Wednesday, January 10, 2024

[Entomology • 2022] Anacaena angatbuhay & A. auxilium • Two New Species of Anacaena Thomson, 1859 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) from Northern Luzon, Philippines

 Anacaena angatbuhay A. auxilium 
Sanchez, Delocado & Freitag, 2022

Two species of Anacaena Thomson, 1859, A. angatbuhay sp. nov. and A. auxilium sp. nov., are described from Northern Luzon, Philippines. The new species can be distinguished through colour, body shape, surface puncturation and characteristic aedeagi. Descriptions are provided and complemented with habitus photographs and drawings of the aedeagi. Data on genus distribution in the Philippines are reviewed and an updated Philippine checklist is provided.

Keywords: Biodiversity assessment, high altitude, species inventory, taxonomy

Habitus of new Anacaena species
1, 2 Anacaena angatbuhay sp. nov. 3, 4 Anacaena auxilium sp. nov.
in (1, 3) dorsal and (2, 4) lateral views. Scale bar: 1 mm.

Family Hydrophilidae Latreille, 1802

Genus Anacaena Thomson, 1859

 Anacaena angatbuhay sp. nov.

Etymology: The species epithet alludes to the Angat Buhay (literal translation: lifting lives) anti-poverty flagship programme of Her Excellency Maria Leonor “Leni” Gerona Robredo, the 14th Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines who concluded her term this year. It is in honour of the exemplary service of her office, with emphasis on engaging with local communities, uplifting the marginalised and heeding the needs of the health care sector, especially in the time of the pandemic. The term is used as a noun in apposition.

 Anacaena auxilium sp. nov.

Etymology: The species epithet ‘auxilium’ is Latin for ‘help’. The new species is dedicated to the Mary Help of Christians Seminary system to which the first author expresses gratitude for constant inspiration. Additionally, ‘help’ alludes to the vulnerable state of freshwater biodiversity in the tropics.

 Enrico Gerard S. Sanchez, Emmanuel D. Delocado and Hendrik Freitag. 2022. Two New Species of Anacaena Thomson, 1859 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) from Northern Luzon, Philippines. ZooKeys. 1112: 11-25. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1112.85752