Tuesday, December 7, 2021

[Paleontology • 2021] The Phylogenetic Affinities and Morphological Peculiarities of the Bird-like Dinosaur Borogovia gracilicrus (Maniraptora: Troodontidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia

Borogovia gracilicrus  Osmólska, 1987

in Cau​ & Madzia, 2021.
Artwork by Edyta Felcyn-Kowalska

Borogovia gracilicrus is a small-bodied theropod dinosaur from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Nemegt Formation of southern Mongolia. The taxon is based on a single fragmentary specimen preserving only the distal part of the hindlimbs. The morphology of Borogovia shows a peculiar combination of features, some of which are traditionally considered troodontid synapomorphies and others which are unusual for Troodontidae but are shared with other maniraptoran clades. In particular, the second toe of B. gracilicrus differs from other troodontids in lacking some of the features which contribute to the specialized ‘sickle-clawed’ second toe, here termed the ‘falciphoran condition’, shared with dromaeosaurids and some other paravians, such as the strongly compressed and falciform ungual. Phylogeny reconstructions intended to explore the affinities of Borogovia consistently support its referral within a subclade of troodontids including all Late Cretaceous taxa. The placement of Borogovia is not significantly affected by its unusual combinations of hindlimb features or by the homoplasy of the elements forming the falciphoran condition. Borogovia is supported as a valid taxon and is distinct from the other Nemegt troodontids, Tochisaurus and Zanabazar. The lack of a falciform ungual, and the distinctive morphology of the second toe in B. gracilicrus are interpreted as a derived specialization among Troodontidae and not as retention of the plesiomorphic condition of non-paravian theropods.

Theropoda Marsh, 1881 [Naish et al., 2020]
Paraves Sereno, 1997
Troodontidae Gilmore, 1924

Borogovia gracilicrus Osmólska, 1987

Borogovia gracilicrus is a troodontid dinosaur from the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia. Although overlapping material with the other Nemegt trooodontids (Tochisaurus nemegtensis and Zanabazar junior) is limited, Borogovia can be differentiated from these taxa based on the unique combination of features in its tibiotarsus and metatarsus.

The phylogenetic position of B. gracilicrus among Maniraptora is investigated in detail for the first time. This taxon is robustly supported as a member of Troodontidae, and reconstructed among non-troodontine troodontids. These results are not biased by a priori assumptions on character weighting.

The foot of Borogovia is autapomorphic and combines troodontid synapomorphies (e.g., the arctometatarsus) and the secondary loss of some elements of the falciphoran condition widespread among paravians. In particular, the morphology of the second toe of Borogovia might indicate an ecological niche distinct from those of other ‘deinonychosaur-grade’ paravians. Such a scenario could account for the co-occurrence of several troodontids in the paleofauna of the Nemegt Formation.

Andrea Cau​ and Daniel Madzia. 2021. The Phylogenetic Affinities and Morphological Peculiarities of the Bird-like Dinosaur Borogovia gracilicrus from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia. PeerJ.  9: e12640. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.12640.