Friday, February 17, 2012

[Herpetology • 2002] Echinosaura orcesi • A new species of Echinosaura (Gymnophthalmidae) from Ecuador and Colombia

Echinosaura orcesi

A new  species  of  the  genus  Echinosaura  is  described  from  the  Pacific drainages  of  northern Ecuador  and  adjacent  Colombia.  Evaluation  of  variation  among  congeners  justifies  their  recognition  as distinct  species  instead  of  subspecies  as  previously  proposed.  The  new  lizard  occurs  in  close  proximity  to Echinosaura  horrida  and Teuchocercus keyi. 

Fritts, Thomas H., Ana Almendáriz and Sissi Samec 2002. A new species of Echinosaura (Gymnophthalmidae) from Ecuador and Colombia with comments on other members of the genus and Teuchocercus keyi. Journal of Herpetology. 36 (3): 349-355: