Sunday, August 4, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Viola fuscopurpurea (Violaceae) • A New Species from Chongqing, China

Viola fuscopurpurea S.R.Yi & Yan S.Huang, 

Dai, Yi, Huang, Zhang et Fan, 2024.  
Viola fuscopurpurea (Violaceae), a new species from Karst landform of Chongqing in China, is described and illustrated. The new species is most similar to V. fukienensis, but can be distinguished by nearly glabrous, shiny, adaxially purple blades (vs pubescent, adaxially green blades), brown seeds with conspicuous tubercles (versus yellow seeds with smooth surface), and hook-like nectaries (versus triangular nectaries), as well as by general habit. Our phylogenetic analysis, based on ITS sequences, confirms that the new species belongs to V. subsect. Rostratae, and is most closely related to V. fukienensis in the phylogeny.

Keywords: morphology, phylogeny, sect. Viola, subsect. Rostratae

Viola fuscopurpurea.
 (A) flower, (B) seeds, (C) leaf blades, (D) stamens, (E) capsule, (F) style, (G) plant, (H) Stipules.

Viola fuscopurpurea.
 (A) habitat, (B) chasmogamous flower, (C) side view of the chasmogamous flower, (D) stamens of the chasmogamous flower , (E) capsule, (F) adaxial surface of leaf blade, (G) abaxial surface of leaf blade, (H)stipules, (I) seeds, (J) side view of the cleistogamous flower, (K) stamens of the cleistogamous flower.

Viola fuscopurpurea S.R.Yi & Yan S.Huang sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: A species similar to V. fukienensis W. Becker, but differs in glabrous, shiny, adaxially brownish purple blades (versus pubescens, adaxial green blades), brown seeds with conspicuous tubercles (versus yellow seeds with smooth surface), and hook-like nectaries (versus triangular nectaries).

Etymology: The epithet refers to the adaxially brownish purple blades of this species.

Jingmin Dai, Si-Rong Yi, Yanshuang Huang, Hong-Jing Zhang and Qiang Fan. 2024. Viola fuscopurpurea (Violaceae), A New Species from Chongqing, China. Nordic Journal of Botany. DOI: