Monday, August 26, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Dendrobium krabiense (Orchidaceae) • A New Species of Dendrobium sect. Crinifera from peninsular Thailand

Dendrobium krabiense P.O’Byrne ex H.A.Pedersen & Suddee, 

in Pedersen et Suddee, 2024.  

A new species of Dendrobium sect. Crinifera is described from Thailand. The late Peter O’Byrne is appropriately credited for his important preparatory work for our study and for coining the name of the new species, D. krabiense. Apparently endemic to southern Thailand, D. krabiense is similar to D. pardalinum but differs in the lip mid-lobe being distinctly clawed and in the lip ornaments only consisting of two lateral keels that extend from near lip base to claw of mid-lobe. Dendrobium krabiense is also similar to D. phuketense but differs in having larger, spotted flowers with a proportionally longer mentum. The material here referred to D. krabiense was previously misidentified as Flickingeria pallens (now considered a synonym of D. pardalinum).

Keywords: Dendrobium krabiense, endemism, Flickingeria, Orchidaceae, systematics, taxonomy

Dendrobium krabiense P.O’Byrne ex H.A.Pedersen & Suddee.
A. Habit. B. Leaf tip. C. Inflorescence. D. Flower. E. Lip in side view. F. Lip in ventral view, side lobes artificially spread out.
Drawn from the type Seidenfaden & Smiti-nand GT 6465 (C), Seidenfaden & Smitinand GT 6327 (A–B) and Seidenfaden & Smitinand GT 6276 (D–F).
Illustration by Poul Juul; previously published in Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 34(1): 38 (1980).

Dendrobium krabiense P.O’Byrne ex H.A.Pedersen & Suddee, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Dendrobium krabiense is similar to D. pardalinum but differs in the lip mid-lobe being distinctly clawed (vs. sessile) and in the lip having two lateral keels extending from near lip base to claw of mid-lobe (vs. one median and two lateral keels extending from near lip base to near mid-lobe apex). Dendrobium krabiense is also similar to D. phuketense, but differs in having larger, spotted flow-ers with a mentum that is proportionally longer in relation to the dorsal sepal.

Distribution: Apparently endemic to peninsular Thailand and small nearby islands (Fig. 3). However, as D. krabiense occurs close to Thailand’s southern border in Satun province, it should also be searched for in the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia.

Dendrobium krabiense P.O’Byrne ex H.A.Pedersen & Suddee. 
Flower of Seidenfaden & Smitinand GT 6461. 
Photograph by Gösta Kjellsson; previously published in Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 34(1): 96 (1980).

The known distribution of Dendrobium krabiense P.O’Byrne ex H.A.Pedersen & Suddee. 
Filled circles indicate individual occurrences documented by herbarium collections.

Henrik Æ. Pedersen and Somran Suddee. 2024. A New Species of Dendrobium sect. Crinifera (Dendrobieae) from Thailand. Lankesteriana: International Journal on Orchidology. 24(2), 199–203. DOI: 10.15517/lank.v24i2.61571