Monday, August 26, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Presbistus muka • A New Species and a new record of the Oriental Stick Insect Genus Presbistus (Phasmatodea: Aschiphasmatidae) from Thailand

 Presbistus muka Kamtanom & Bresseel, 

in Kamtanom, Jiaranaisakul, Paejaroen et Bresseel, 2024. 
แมลงกิ่งไม้ท้ายใหญ่มูก้า  ||

The genus Presbistus and the family Aschiphasmatidae are recorded from Thailand for the first time. A new species of Presbistus Kirby, 1896, Presbistus muka sp. nov., is described from the Mahidol University Campus in Kanchanaburi,West Thailand based on both sexes and eggs. The new species is diagnosed and differentiated from its congenerics by its distinct colouration and by the notably short wings. Illustrations of adults, specimens in situ, host plants, records on biology and a distribution map are provided. A second Presbistus species, Presbistus vitivorus Bresseel & Constant, 2022 is also recorded from West Thailand, its distribution and morphology are briefly discussed.

Keyword: Aschiphasmatidae, Phasmatodea, Presbistus, Presbistus muka, Presbistus vitivorus, stick insect, taxonomy

Aschiphasmatidae Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 
Aschiphasmatinae Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 
Aschiphasmatini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 

Presbistus Kirby, 1896

Presbistus muka Kamtanom & Bresseel sp. nov.

Diagnosis. Presbistus muka sp. nov. can be separated from all other species of Presbistus by the following combination of characters: (1) body pale brown with darkened apex of abdomen in males, olive brown in females; (2) femora black with pale apex; (3) tegmina short, narrow and pointed, only reaching bases of alae; alae short, not surpassing posterior margin of tergum III; (4) male with apex of anal segment cleft, with the left anal lobe (lal) shorter than the right (ral), and the right anal lobe twisted; (5) praeopercular organ indistinct, present as posteromedian hump on sternum VII; slightly projecting over base of subgenital plate; (6) posterior pole of egg broadly rounded.

Etymology. The specific name “muka” is a noun in apposition, derived from the abbreviation of Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus [MUKA], the type-locality where the specimens were found and collected for the first time.

 Presbistus muka Kamtanom & Bresseel sp. nov., living specimens,
 A. male, in situ, B. maiting pair, in situ.

Saichon Kamtanom, Kawin Jiaranaisakul, Paiphan Paejaroen and Joachim Bresseel. 2024. A New Species and a new record of the Oriental Stick Insect Genus Presbistus (Phasmida: Aschiphasmatidae) from Thailand. Taiwania. 69(3); 348-355. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.348