Monday, August 5, 2024

[Botany • 2020] Tofieldia ulleungensis (Tofieldiaceae) • A New Species, endemic to Ulleungdo Island, Korea

Tofieldia ulleungensis H. Jo,  

in Jo, Ghimire, Ha, Lee et Son, 2020. 
Tofieldia ulleungensis, a new species of the genus Tofieldia from the Nari Basin on Ulleungdo Island, Korea, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to T. yoshiiana var. koreana in terms of the plant height and in that it has having a long raceme, whitish tepals, and whitish stigma, but can be readily distinguished from the latter by the presence of 1-2 linear cauline leaves, a slightly bent leaf apex, basal leaves which are twice as wide, a shorter pedicel, a revolute style, and crescent-shaped seeds.

Keywords: Tofieldiaceae; Tofieldia ulleungensis; endemic; Ulleungdo Island; Korea

Tofieldia ulleungensis.
A. Habit. B. Inflorescence. C. Two-ranked leaves. D. Leaf apex. E. Flower (top view). F. Flower (abaxial view). G. Flower (side view). H. Pistil with three styles. I. Stamen. J. Tepal and stamen. K. Fruit (top view). L. Fruit (side view). M. Capsule. N. Seeds.
Illustrations by Hyeryun Jo.

  Holotype of Tofieldia ulleungensis

Tofieldia ulleungensis
 A. Plant habit. B. Plant. image of the holotype. C. Inflorescence. D. Basal leaf. E. Basal leaf margin. F. Cauline leaf. G. Flower. H. Pistil, stamen, and tepal. I. Capsule. J. Seed.
Photographs by Kang-Hyup Lee and Hyeryun Jo.

Tofieldia ulleungensis H. Jo, sp. nov.

Hyeryun JO, Balkrishna GHIMIRE, Young-Ho HA, Kang-Hyup LEE, Dong Chan SON. 2020. Tofieldia ulleungensis (Tofieldiaceae): A New Species, endemic to Ulleungdo Island, Korea. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 50(3); 343-350.DOI: