Thursday, August 22, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Psychotria phuquocensis (Rubiaceae: Psychotrieae) • A New Species from Phu Quoc National Park, southern Vietnam

Psychotria phuquocensis Bao, Vuong & V.S.Dang,  

 in Quach, Dang, V. N. Pham, Truong, N. M. T. Nguyen, Q. T. Pham et Q. B. Nguyen. 2024. 

Psychotria phuquocensis, a new species is described and illustrated from Phu Quoc National Park, Phu Quoc Island in southern Vietnam. It can be distinguished from other Psychotria species previously known in the region by its glabrous stems, triangular, ovate-triangular to ovate stipules, elliptic, lanceolate elliptic or narrowly elliptic oblong leaf blade with small domatia between midrib and basal secondary veins, cymose inflorescence, green flower, and elliptisoid fruits. The color photographs, phenology, distribution, habitat, and preliminary conservation assessment are provided for P. phuquocensis.

Keyword: Indochina, plant diversity, Psychotria aganosmifolia, Psychotria asiatica, Psychotria fluviatilis, Psychotrieae

Psychotria phuquocensis Bao, Vuong & V.S.Dang.
A. Fruiting branch. B. Shoot apex showing young leaves and stipule. C. Domatia between midrib and base of the secondary vein. D. Leaves (adaxial surface and abaxial surface). E. Stipules. F. The ring of reddish-brown hairs at the nodes and adjacent leaf axils. G. Inflorescence. H. Flower. I. The longitudinal cross section of corolla shows filamens and anthers. J. Calyx, style and stigma. K. Infruitescence. L. The sross section of fruit show pyrenes and albumen. M. Fruit when wipe. N. Pynenes. (All photo by Nguyen Quoc Bao)

Psychotria phuquocensis Bao, Vuong & V.S.Dang, sp.nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to Psychotria fluviatilis Chun ex W.C.Chen distributed in Chinain having lanceolate leaf blades, cymose inflorescence, and similar penduncle length, but this new species is distinguished by having larger leaf blades (10.5-23.0 × 3-4.7 cm vs. 5–11 × 1– 3.7 cm), more numerous secondary veins (10-16 pairs vs. 4–8 pairs), domatia (present vs. absent), larger stipules (9-11 mm long vs. 4–7 mm long), and fruit length (7-9 mm vs. 6–7 mm).

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to Phu Quoc National Park where it was discovered. Vernacular name: Lấu phú quốc

Van Toan Em Quach, Van Son Dang, Van Ngot Pham, Ba Vuong Truong, Ngoc Minh Trung Nguyen, Quoc Trong Pham and Quoc Bao Nguyen. 2024. Psychotria phuquocensis Bao, Vuong & V.S.Dang, A New Species of Rubiaceae from Phu Quoc National Park, southern Vietnam. Taiwania. 69(3); 366-371. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.366