Monday, August 26, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Magnolia corquinensis (Magnoliaceae: sect. Talauma) • A New Species from Antioquia Province, Colombia

Magnolia amalfiensis Serna, Cogollo & Velásquez, 

in Serna-González, Cogollo-Pacheco et Velásquez-Rúa, 2024. 

A new species of Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) from Antioquia Province in Colombia is described and illustrated. Magnolia amalfiensis, known only from two small populations at elevations of 1,700–2,400 m in the Central Cordillera, is distinguished in having a gynoecium covered by sericeous pubescence, except at the apex of the stigmas. This species is similar to Magnolia henaoi, but the two species differ in number of bracts, size and number of petals, and number of carpels per fruit. Magnolia amalfiensis is placed in Section Talauma based on its stipules, which are adnate along the full length of the petiole, and its stamens, which lack a long filiform connective appendage. This new species increases the total number of Magnolia species from Colombia to 42, of which 15 occur in Antioquia Province. Information about the ecology and conservation status of the new species and its risk category, according to IUCN criteria, is also provided.

Keywords: Talauma, Neotropics, Andean forests, endangered species, extremely small populations

Magnolia amalfiensis.
A. Habitat. B. Trunk. C. Floral bud. D. Gynoecium. E. Detail of gynoecium. F. Herbarium specimen. G. Open fruit. H. Fruit receptacle.

Magnolia amalfiensis Serna, Cogollo & Velásquez sp. nov.

Marcela Serna-González, Álvaro Cogollo-Pacheco and Cesar Velásquez-Rúa. 2024. Magnolia amalfiensis, A New Species of Magnoliaceae from Antioquia Province, Colombia. Brittonia. DOI: