Monday, August 26, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Curcuma tuanii (Curcuma subg. Ecomatae, Zingiberaceae: Zingibereae) • A New Species from northern Vietnam based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence

Curcuma tuanii H.T. Nguyen, D.D. Nguyen & N.A. Nguyen,  

in H.T. Nguyen, N. A. Nguyen, Averyanov, D. D. Nguyen et C. T. Le, 2023.

A new species, Curcuma tuanii (Zingiberaceae), is described and illustrated from Hoa Binh Province northern Vietnam based on both the morphological and molecular data. The species is morphologically compared with its closest allies from subgenus Ecomata. Additionally, the anatomical structures of the species were provided.

Keywords: Flora of tropical Asia; Curcuma subgen. Ecomata; medicinal plants; Zingiberaceae; Vietnam

Curcuma tuanii H.T. Nguyen, D.D. Nguyen & N.A. Nguyen.
 A. Flowering habit. B. Intact rhizome (cross and longitudinal section). C. Ligule, frontal and side section. D, E. Inflorescences. F, G. Intact flower, frontal view. H. Flattened flowers, side view. I. Detail of stigma. J. Ovary, epigynous glands, style binded terminally by stamen. K. Ovary with epigynous glands. L. Calyx. M. Flower dissection: bract, calyx, dorsal and lateral corolla lobes, labellum and lateral staminodes, floral tube with ovary and stamen attached, floral tube, ovary with style and epigynous glands attached (from left to right). N. Detail of stamen with filament removed, frontal, back, and side views.
All photos were made from the type HNU 022972, and taken by Hoang Tuan Nguyen, designed by Hoang Tuan Nguyen, Duc Danh Nguyen and L. Averyanov.

   The drawing of Curcuma tuanii H.T. Nguyen, D.D. Nguyen & N.A. Nguyen.
 A. Flowering habit with rhizomes and leaves. B. Inflorescent with opening flowers. C. Flower in frontal view. D. Bract. E. Calyx. F. Anther in side view attached with filamen, floral tube and ovary. G. Corolla dorsal lobes. H. Lateral staminode. I. Labellum. J. Anther in frontal view. K. Epigynous glands and ovary. L. Ovary (cross section). M. Stigma.
A: 10 cm, B = 5 cm, D = 2 cm, E = 1 cm, F = 1.5 cm, G = 1 cm, I = 1 cm, J = 5 mm, K = 5 mm, L = 3 mm, M = 1.5 mm. Drawn by: Danh Duc Nguyen.

Curcuma tuanii H. T. Nguyen, D. D. Nguyen & N. A. Nguyen, sp. nov. 

Hoang Tuan Nguyen, Ngọc Anh Nguyen, Leonid Averyanov, Danh Duc Nguyen and Chi Toan Le. 2023. Curcuma tuanii (Zingiberaceae) A New Species of Subgenus Ecomata from northern Vietnam based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 37; DOI: