Thursday, August 22, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Duguetia rolimii (Annonaceae: Duguetieae) • A New large tree Species from the Atlantic Forest of Espírito Santo, Brazil


Duguetia rolimii M.L.Bazante, G.S.Siqueira & Maas, 

in Bazante, Maas, Siqueira, Lima, Udulutsch et Barbosa, 2024. 
A new species of Duguetia from Reserva Natural Vale, in the Atlantic Forest of the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, is described and illustrated, and an updated key to the Duguetia species from this state is presented. Duguetia rolimii is known only from two large trees, restricted to the municipality of Linhares. It resembles D. sooretamae in having young twigs densely covered with stellate scales, narrow and shiny leaves with similar dimensions, and fruits with more than 200 fertile monocarps. Nevertheless, these two species can be distinguished from each other mainly by the type of vegetation where they occur, plant size, the density of stellate scales at the lower side of the leaves, the angle between the primary and secondary leaf veins, the shape of the flower buds, length of the upper bract, the shape of the fertile monocarps and indument of the areoles. Comments on distribution, conservation status and field photos of the new species, and comparisons with other related species are provided.

Keywords: Annonoideae; Duguetieae; Espírito Santo; Neotropical flora; Tabuleiro forest; taxonomy.

Duguetia rolimii.
 A. Tree canopy. B. Trunk, note the fissures and ridges of the outer bark. C. Leaves, lower and upper side view. D. Flower at anthesis, top view. E. Flowers after the petals fall. F. Fruit.
Photos: A-C by Márcio L. Bazante; D-F by Geovane S. Siqueira.

Duguetia rolimii M.L.Bazante, G.S.Siqueira & Maas, sp. nov. 
Duguetia rolimii is most similar to D. sooretamae, but D. sooretamae has leaves totally to densely covered with stellate scales 0.3-0.5 mm in diam. below, secondary veins at an angle more than 70° with the primary vein and indistinct at the lower side of the leaves, cauliflory present, upper bract ca. 1 mm long, flower buds broadly to very broadly ovoid with three slightly to absent ridges and an obtuse and not apiculate apex, petals broadly ovate with more than 12 mm wide, stamens 3-4 mm long with apex of connective not umbonate, fruit with fertile monocarps ovoid and with areoles narrowly pyramidal, totally covered with persistent stellate scales, whereas D. rolimii has leaves rather densely to sparsely covered with stellate scales 0.1-0.2 mm in diam. below, secondary veins at an angle up to 65° with the primary vein and distinct at the lower side of the leaves, cauliflory absent, upper bract 6-8 mm long, flower buds triangular-ovoid with three prominent ridges and an acute and apiculate apex, petals narrowly panduriform-elliptic to narrowly elliptic up to 12 mm wide, stamens up to 1.5 mm long with apex of connective umbonate, fruit with fertile monocarps obtrulloid to oblongoid and with areoles shallowly ovoid-pyramidal, glabrous or sparsely covered with stellate hairs towards the apicule (Fig. 3).

Etymology: The specific epithet honors the Brazilian researcher Dr. Samir G. Rolim, in recognition of his significant contributions to the biological knowledge of the Atlantic Forest, particularly of the Reserva Natural Vale. In 2016, Rolim and collaborators coordinated the remarkable book “Floresta Atlântica de Tabuleiro: diversidade e endemismos na Reserva Natural Vale”, which highlights the biodiversity and relevant research conducted in this protected area.
Vernacular name in the Reserva Natural Vale: Ariticum-gigante.

Bazante, Márcio L.; Maas, Paul J. M.; Siqueira, Geovane S.; Lima, Jefferson G.; Udulutsch, Renata G.; Barbosa, Maria Regina de V. 2024. Duguetia rolimii (Annonaceae), A New large tree Species from the Atlantic Forest of Espírito Santo, Brazil.  Acta Bot. Bras. 38; DOI: