Thursday, August 8, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Aspidistra erythropoecila, A. polypetala, etc. • Five New Species of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae) from Guangxi, China

in Lin, Lu, Pan, Wan, Xu et Liu, 2024. 
This paper continues the publication of Aspidistra species newly discovered in the flora of China. It includes five new species of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae), namely A. longjiangensis, A. erythropoecila, A. duanensis, A. yachangensis and A. polypetala, all from Guangxi, China, are described and illustrated. The morphology, ecology, phenology, distribution, conservation status and the color illustrations are provided for all five taxa.

floral structure, limestone endemism, new taxa, plant diversity, Monocots

Chun-Rui Lin, Zhao-Cen Lu, Bo Pan, Xin-Yu Wan, Wei-Bin Xu and Yan Liu. 2024. Five New Species of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae) from Guangxi, China.  Phytotaxa. 652(2); 100-114. DOI: