Monday, August 5, 2024

[Entomology • 2022] Taxonomic Revision of Montina (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from Colombia with Description of Three New Species; Montina calarca, M. gladiator, M. tikuna


A - Montina confusa (Stål, 1859), female, Madre de Dios, Peru. 
C - M. lobata Stål, 1859, Orellana, Ecuador. 
D - M. scutellaris Stål, 1859, female, Chocó, Colombia.
E - Montina gladiator Mejía-Soto & Forero sp. nov., pair in copula, Yolombo, Colombia. 
F - M. calarca Mejía-Soto & Forero sp. nov., pair in copula, Risaralda, Colombia.

in Mejía-Soto, Forero et Wolff, 2022. 

 The Neotropical assassin bug genus Montina Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) is revised for Colombia. Montina has not been adequately explored taxonomically, with its last described species published in 1867. It has ten valid species distributed in tropical areas of Central and South America, but none of them have been formally recorded from Colombia. We describe three new speciesM. calarca Mejía-Soto & Forero sp. nov.M. gladiator Mejía-Soto & Forero sp. nov.M. tikuna Mejía-Soto & Forero sp. nov., and report seven species as new records for the country: M. confusa (Stål, 1859), M. distincta (Stål, 1859), M. fumosa (Stål, 1867), M. lobata Stål, 1859, M. ruficornis (Fabricius, 1803), M. scutellaris Stål, 1859, and M. testacea (Stål, 1859). Montina calarca sp. nov. is distinguished by the reddish coloration with black head and legs; densely setose pronotum; connexival margin rounded on segments 4, 5, and 6 without protuberances, connexivum black with a narrow red band on margin; and translucent yellow membrane with hyaline cells and darkened veins. Montina gladiator sp. nov. is distinguished by the red coloration, with black legs, scutellum, and abdomen; connexival margin 4–5 lobed, 6 straight, segments 2–4 with acute posterior process on each segment, connexivum dark brown to black with a narrow red band on its margin. Montina tikuna sp. nov. is distinguished by the reddish-brown coloration, with black scutellum and abdomen; connexival margin nearly straight, segments 2–4 with small posterior acute process, 5–6 with obtuse process, connexivum black; ventral laterotergites only with black scattered erect setae. New characters help delimit Montina and differentiate it from Ploeogaster Amyot & Serville, 1843, its most similar genus. For all species we provide a diagnosis, images, documentation of genitalia, and distribution maps. A key to all the species of Montina is provided.

Key words: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Harpactorini, genitalia, new record, species discovery, Colombia, Neotropical Region, South America

Live specimens of Montina.
A-B -M. confusa (Stål, 1859), female, Madre de Dios, Peru (A -lateral view, B -dorsal view) (photo by Sandra Lamberts). C -M. lobata Stål, 1859, Orellana, Ecuador (photo by Felipe Campos). D -M. scutellaris Stål, 1859, female, Chocó, Colombia (photo by Kritzzia Copete Murillo).
E -M. gladiator sp. nov., pair in copula, Yolombo, Colombia (photo by Julian Vallejo-Sosa). F -M. calarca sp. nov., pair in copula, Risaralda, Colombia (photo by Fernando Lopez).

Andrés Mejía-Soto, Dimitri Forero and Marta Wolff. 2022. Taxonomic Revision of Montina (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from Colombia with Description of Three New Species. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. 62(2); 325-381. DOI: