Monday, August 26, 2024

[Botany • 2022] Trichoglottis longifolia (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Vandeae) • A New Species from Sri Lanka

[A-C] Trichoglottis longifolia Atthan., C. Bandara, N.L. Bandara & Kumar, 
[D-E] Trichoglottis tenera 

in Bandara, Atthanagoda, Bandara, Ranasinghe et Kumar, 2022. 
Trichoglottis longifolia Atthan., C. Bandara, N.L. Bandara & Kumar sp. nov. is described and illustrated as a new species from Sri Lanka. So far, the genus was represented by a single species in Sri Lanka, Trichoglottis tenera. The new species can be easily distinguished from T. tenera in having longer leaves, yellowish-green flowers with lanceolate dorsal sepal and petals and a longer spur. This species occurs in sub-montane forests in Sabaragamuwa Province and categorized as Endangered based on the available data.

Keywords: cherub orchid, epiphyte, Orchidaceae, Sri Lanka, Monocots

 Trichoglottis longifolia Atthan., C. Bandara, N.L. Bandara & Kumar sp. nov.
A. Plant habit. B. Front view of flower. C. Side view of flower. D. Bract. E. Dorsal sepal. F1 & F2. Petals. G1 & G2. Lateral sepals. H. Labellum. I. Side view of labellum. J. Sagittal section of labellum and spur. K. Side view of column and spur. L. Leaf. M. Capsule. N. Operculum. O. Pollinia.
Photographs by Anusha Gayan Atthanagoda.

 Trichoglottis longifolia Atthan., C. Bandara, N.L. Bandara & Kumar sp. nov.
A. Plant habit. B. Front view of flower. C. Side view of flower. D. Bract. E. Dorsal sepal. F1 & F2. Petals. G1 & G2. Lateral sepals. H. Labellum. I. Side view of labellum. J. Sagittal section of labellum and spur. K. Leaf. L. Side view of column and spur. M. Front view of column and spur. N. Operculum. O. Pollinia P. Capsule.
 Illustrations by Champika Bandara.

Trichoglottis longifolia Atthan., C. Bandara, N.L. Bandara & Kumar sp. nov.

 Trichoglottis longifolia Atthan., C. Bandara, N.L. Bandara & Kumar sp. nov. A. Plant habit. B. Front view of flower. C. Side view of flower.
Trichoglottis tenera D. Plant habit. E. Front view of flower. F. Side view of flower.
Photographs by Anusha Gayan Atthanagoda.

Champika Bandara, Anusha Gayan Atthanagoda, Nadeesha Lewke Bandara, Bhanuka Ranasinghe and Pankaj Kumar. 2022. Trichoglottis longifolia (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Vandeae: Aeridinae), A New Species from Sri Lanka. Phytotaxa. 567(1); 71-78. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.567.1.6