Monday, August 5, 2024

[Crustacea • 2024] Curidia japonica • the First Species of the Family Ochlesidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Northwest Pacific

Curidia japonica 
Ariyama, 2024. 

small amphipod, Curidia japonica sp. nov., is described from Mie and Wakayama Prefectures, central Japan. The discovery is the first record of the family Ochlesidae from the Northwest Pacific. This new species can be clearly distinguished from its congeners by the very short posterodistal process of the antenna 2 peduncular article 4. A key to the species of Curidia Thomas, 1983 in the world is provided.

Keywords: distribution, Japan, key, morphology, new species, phytal, taxonomy

Curidia japonica sp. nov., paratype, male, 1.2mm (OMNH-Ar-12918).
Photograph of fixed specimen (two days after fixation). Scale: 0.3mm.

Hiroyuki Ariyama. 2024. Curidia japonica sp. nov., the First Species of the Family Ochlesidae from the Northwest Pacific (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Species Diversity. 29(2); 199-207. DOI: