Wednesday, August 14, 2024

[Botany • 2022] Lindsaea kohkongensis (Lindsaeaceae) • A New Species from Cambodia and Malaysia

Lindsaea kohkongensis I. C. Hwang, M.-O. Moon & B.- Y. Sun, 

in Yun, Moon, Sun et Hwang, 2023.

A new species, Lindsaea kohkongensis (Lindsaeaceae), is described from the near Chamnar village of valleys of Koh Kong Province of Cambodia. This species is characterized by continuous marginal frond sorus and trilete spores, classifying it taxonomically within the genus Lindsaea. This species is distinct from other species of Lindsaea, such as L. walkerae, L. ensifolia, and L. heterophylla, in terms of different habitats and morphological characteristics. Lindsaea kohkongensis occurs in subaquatic environment and has pinnate fronds with distinct petiolules and terminal pinnae, and free, 1–2-forked veinlets except within the indusium. Detailed illustrations, photographs, and a distribution map of L. kohkongensis, along with morphological comparisons with the closely related species, are provided.

Keywords: biodiversity, Cambodia, fern, Lindsaeaceae, Lindsaea, Lindsaea kohkongensis, Malaysia

Illustration of Lindsaea kohkongensis.
 A. Habit. B. Abaxial side of a pinna showing indusiate sori along the margin. C. Creeping rhizome with scales. D. Scale on the rhizome.  

Photographs of Lindsaea kohkongensis.
A–D. Subaquatic habitat. E. Adaxial side of a pinna. F. Abaxial side of a pinna with mature sori. G. Enlarged view of the abaxial side of a pinna. F. SEM photographs of spore. Scale bars = 10μm.

 Lindsaea kohkongensis I. C. Hwang, M.-O. Moon & B.- Y. Sun, sp. nov. 

Plants herbs, perennial, epipetric, subaquatic, 5–16 cm tall, close to the water in valley or sometimes in water. Rhizomes terete, creeping or long creeping, 1.1–1.5 mm diam., sparsely scaly, densely end point; scales slightly spreading or appressed, castaneous, glossy, 0.9–1.6 mm long, 0.1–0.3 mm wide, 2–6 cells at base, apex aciculate. Fronds monomorphic; petiole stramineous, brownish or dark brownish at base, glossy or lusterless, 5–10 cm long, 0.4–0.9 mm in diam., trigonal or subquadrangle in cross-section, shallowly sulcate adaxially, 2 ridged distinct, sparsely scaly at base; ...

Narae YUN, Myung-Ok MOON, Byung-Yun Sun and In Chun HWANG. 2023. Lindsaea kohkongensis (Lindsaeaceae), A New Species from Cambodia and Malaysia.  Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 53(4); 288-293. DOI: