Tuesday, August 27, 2024

[Herpetology • 2024] Scutiger kanjiroba • A New Species of the Genus Scutiger (Anura: Megophryidae) from the Central Himalaya

Scutiger kanjiroba 
Hofmann, Jablonski & Schmidt, 2024

Recent phylogenetic studies in Himalayan lazy toads of the genus Scutiger Theobald, 1868 revealed the presence of genetically deeply divergent lineages. The taxonomy of S. nepalensis sensu lato was re-assessed based on museum material considering molecular and morphological data. The results strongly support the recognition of a new species, S. kanjiroba sp. nov. distributed along the Nepalese Kanjiroba massif. It is further shown that S. sikimmensis has an apparently much more restricted distribution range than previously thought. The frequent misidentification of Scutiger across large areas of the Himalaya-Tibet area highlights the significance of careful taxonomic evaluation of collection material and the need for the direct morphological comparison of closely related species when describing new species.

Key words: Genetics, Himalaya, lazy toad, montane forests, morphology, taxonomy

Scutiger kanjiroba sp. nov. holotype NHME A0576/99 in preservative 
 A dorsal view of body B ventral view C dorsolateral view of body D ventral view of left foot.
(credit: Morris Flecks)

 Scutiger kanjiroba sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: Scutiger kanjiroba sp. nov. is assigned to the genus Scutiger based in the above-mentioned morphological features and by its molecular phylogenetic position relative to other Scutiger species. It can be separated from all other species of the genus Scutiger by the combination of the following characters (for character states in other species see section Morphological comparison, above): (1) moderate body size, SVL adult male 55.4 mm (n = 1), adult female 54.2−66.7 mm (n = 3); (2) vomerine and maxillary dentation absent; (3) vocal sac absent; (4) subarticular tubercles absent; (5) presence of numerous small, densely arranged spines on the surface of fingers I, II and inner surface of finger III of males in breeding condition; (6) relative length of fingers 3>4>2>1; (7) spines on (inner) (fore)arms absent; (8) toes rudimentary webbed; (9) relative length of toes 4>3>5>2>1; (10) a pair of pectoral glands and a pair of axillary glands; (11) spines on pectoral and axillary glands present in males; (12) belly without spines; (13) tubercles/warts on dorsal and lateral surfaces of body present; (14) dorsal tubercles with black spines of males in breeding condition.

Distribution and ecological notes: Scutiger kanjiroba is a forest-dwelling species that is currently known from high-montane areas of the Kanjiroba Himal at altitudes between ~ 3300 and 4400 m a.s.l. in west Nepal (Fig. 1).

Etymology: The specific epithet kanjiroba is a geographical proper name referring to the Kanjiroba Himal in Nepal. The southern area of the Kanjiroba Himal is so far the only known occurrence region of this new species.

Sylvia Hofmann, Daniel Jablonski and Joachim Schmidt. 2024. Morphological and Molecular Data warrant the Description of A New Species of the Genus Scutiger (Anura, Megophryidae) from the Central Himalaya. ZooKeys. 1210: 229-246. DOI: doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1210.127106