Wednesday, August 7, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Cyclamen brulloi (Primulaceae) • A New Species from Sicily (Italy)

Cyclamen brulloi  Cambria, Giusso, Minissale, Tavilla & Salmeri,

in Cambria, Galdo, Minissale, Tavilla et Salmeri, 2024. 

A new species, Cyclamen brulloi, is described and illustrated from Sicily (Italy). This is an Autumn flowering species belonging to Cyclamen subg. Cyclamen and it is currently restricted to some localities of western Sicily, where it grows on carbonatic rocks and in rocky crevices. This taxon shows close relationships both with C. hederifolium and C. africanum. However, several morphological and karyological features are clearly different. Morphology, pollen grain micromorphology, karyology (2n = 4x = 68), ecology, conservation status and taxonomic relationships of the new taxon with the most allied species are presented.

Key Words: chromosome, endemic, karyomorphometry, Mediterranean flora, Myrsinoideae, pollen, taxonomy

A flower; B petal; C ovary and style.
Cyclamen brulloi; 2 C. africanum; 3 C. hederifolium subsp. hederifolium.
Drawn by S. Brullo.

Cyclamen brulloi. A habit; B flowers; C leaf blade; D flowering plant; E tuber; F mature leaves; G adult tuber and flowers.

Cyclamen brulloi Cambria, Giusso, Minissale, Tavilla & Salmeri, sp. nov.

Etymology. The specific epithet is given in honour of Salvatore Brullo, active botanist of Catania University and specialist in the taxonomy of many genera of the Mediterranean flora, to whom the authors express their strong gratitude for his fundamental teachings and suggestions in botanical studies.

 S. Cambria, G. Giusso del Galdo, P. Minissale, G. Tavilla and C. Salmeri. 2024. Cyclamen brulloi (Primulaceae), A New Species from Sicily (Italy). Kew Bulletin.  DOI: