Monday, August 26, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Impatiens lhunzeensis (Balsaminaceae) • A New Species from Southern Xizang, China


 Impatiens lhunzeensis   

in Tian, Yuan, Peng, Yang, Hu et Wang, 2024. 

A new species, Impatiens lhunzeensis (Balsaminaceae), and a new record of I. leptocarpa from southern Xizang, China are reported and described in this study. Based on morphological and phylogenetic evidence, both I. lhunzeensis and I. leptocarpa are assigned to I. sect. Racemosae. The new species forms a clade with I. drepanophora, I. eubotrya and I. principis, while I. leptocarpa is phylogenetically close to I. radiata and I. harae. The new species has a sympatric distribution with and is morphologically similar to both I. radiata and I. harae, but differs by the hairy stem, the densely hairy leaf blade, the raceme inflorescence, the reniform dorsal petals, the navicular lower sepal, the broadly ovate to sub-orbicular upper petals and the triangular oblong lower petals.

Eudicots, Impatiens, Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Xizang

 Impatiens lhunzeensis.
A. habitat; B. flowering branch; C. branches, bottom view; D. root and basal part of stem, showing node; E. inflorescence; F. adaxial and abaxial view of leaf; G. front, bottom and lateral view of flower; H. dissection of a flower (a. dorsal petal; b. lateral sepals; c. lateral united petals; d. lower sepal; e. stamens and pedicel); I. capsule.
Photographed by Jing Tian.

Impatiens leptocarpa.
A. habit; B. root and basal part of stem, showing node; C. glands on petiole base and stem; D. inflorescence; E. front and lateral view of flower (b. outer lateral sepals, b'. inner lateral sepals); F. dissection of a flower (a. dorsal petal; b. outer lateral sepals; c. lateral united petals; d. lower sepal; e. stamens); G. capsules.
Photographed by Jing Tian.

Jing Tian, Tao-Hua Yuan, Shuai Peng, Zhu-Zhu Yang, Guang-Wan Hu and Qing-Feng Wang. 2024. A New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Southern Xizang, China with supplementary knowledge on I. leptocarpa Hook. f.  Phytotaxa. 661(1);  47-62. DOI: