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Curcuma stahlianthoides Škorničk. & Soonthornk., in Soonthornkalump, Kongphapa, ... et Leong-Skornickova, 2022. บุศรินทร์ || DOI: 10.3767/blumea.2022.67.01.09 |
Curcuma stahlianthoides, a new species of Curcuma subg. Hitcheniopsis (Zingiberaceae: Zingiberoideae) from northeastern Thailand is described and illustrated here. The flower morphology of C. stahlianthoides resembles several other species formerly classified in the genus Stahlianthus, but the inflorescences are composed of up to 11 plain green fertile bracts, conforming to the typical inflorescence structure in the genus Curcuma. This combination of characters is similar to C. leonidii from Vietnam, to which it is compared for the diagnostic purposes. Previous molecular results indicate that Stahlianthus should be merged with Curcuma subg. Hitcheniopsis and C. stahlianthoides is the second species providing morphological justification to do so. A detailed description based on living flowering material, colour plates including the flower dissection, and notes on distribution, habitat and phenology are also provided. The status of Vulnerable is proposed for this species based on the IUCN guidelines and criteria. Observations on ant-aided seed dispersal of this species are reported and discussed within present knowledge of myrmecochory in gingers.
Keywords: Curcuma leonidii; Curcuma subg. Hitcheniopsis; Stahlianthus; ant-aided seed dispersal; myrmecochory; vulnerable
Curcuma stahlianthoides Škorničk. & Soonthornk., sp. nov.
(subg. Hitcheniopsis)
Similar to Curcuma leonidii Škorničk. & Luu in overall habit, having an inflorescence composed of multiple green bracts, and overall shape of the flowers, but differs in having branched rhizomes with short and stout branches, cream in cross section (vs rhizomes not branched, globose, c. 1 by 1 cm, light orange in cross section), leaf blades narrowly elliptic up to 25 by 2.9 cm, plication obscure (vs elliptic, up to 22 by 6.5 cm, prominently plicate) and labellum white with yellow median band (vs labellum with median band red at base, yellow distally).
Etymology. The specific epithet ‘stahlianthoides’ refers to the flowers, which are so typical for the alliance of species previously treated in the separate genus Stahlianthus.
Sutthinut Soonthornkalump, Juthamas Kongphapa, Sukontip Vianmana, Natcha Kunlapa and Jana Leong-Skornickova. 2022. Curcuma stahlianthoides (Zingiberaceae), A New Species from northeastern Thailand dispersed by Ants. Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants. 67(1); 71–75. DOI: 10.3767/blumea.2022.67.01.09