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Chiropterotriton chico García-Castillo, Rovito, Wake & Parra-Olea, 2017 B) Chiropterotriton arboreus, DBW, C) C. chondrostega, SMR (IBH 28195), D) C. dimidiatus, DBW 1342-45, E) C. mosaueri SMR (IBH 28179), F) C. terrestris, DBW, G) C. cieloensis, SMR holotype (IBH 29561), H) C. cracens, SMR (IBH 28192), I) C. infernalis, SMR holotype (MVZ 269665), J) C. multidentatus SMR (IBH 29571). |
Chiropterotriton is a relatively small genus that comprises 15 species with great morphological and ecological diversity. In previous studies, molecular data provided evidence for a considerable number of species that remain undescribed. In this study, we describe one new species, Chiropterotriton chico sp. nov. based on molecular and morphological characters. We present mtDNA phylogenetic analyses using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood that include all described and several undescribed species. Morphometric data from eight recognized species provide evidence for the distinctiveness of the new taxon. Description of this new species adds to the already high salamander diversity of the state of Hidalgo, which is an important area for the diversification of the genus.
Keywords: salamanders, bolitogossines, morphology, taxonomy, Hidalgo
Chiropterotriton chico sp. nov.
El Chico Salamander | Salamandra de El Chico
Chiropterotriton multidentata (part): Taylor, 1944.
Chiropterotriton multidentata (part): Taylor, 1944.
Chiropterotriton cf multidentatus (part): Rabb, 1958; Darda, 1994.
Chiropterotriton sp. 15: Parra-Olea, 2003; Rovito & Parra-Olea, 2015
Chiropterotriton sp. 15: Parra-Olea, 2003; Rovito & Parra-Olea, 2015
Habitat and range. This species is only known from Parque Nacional El Chico in Hidalgo, Mexico .... It is unlikely to occur more widely, because surrounding areas have been extensively surveyed.
Etymology. The species name chico is in reference to the national park where the species occurs. Parque Nacional El Chico in Hidalgo, Mexico has been a protected area since 1922. The species name is used as an invariable noun in apposition to the generic name.
Remarks. This species was previously considered as conspecific with C. multidentatus and occurs in sympatry with C. dimidiatus and Aquiloeurycea cephalica. Likewise, Isthmura bellii has been collected very near sites where C. chico was once common ( MVZAbout MVZ 118953, 118954, 128978), but it is unknown if the two species occur in syntopy.
Mirna G. García-Castillo, Sean M. Rovito, David B. Wake and Gabriela Parra-Olea. 2017. A New Terrestrial Species of Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from central Mexico. Zootaxa. 4363(4);489–505. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4363.4.2
Una nueva especie terrestre de Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Plethodontidae) del centro de México.
RESUMEN. “Chiropterotriton es un género relativamente pequeño que comprende 15 especies con gran diversidad morfológica y ecológica. En estudios previos, los datos moleculares proporcionaron evidencia para un número considerable de especies que permanecen sin describir. En este estudio, describimos una nueva especie, Chiropterotriton chico sp. nov. basada en caracteres moleculares y morfológicos. Presentamos análisis filogenéticos de mtDNA usando inferencia Bayesiana y máxima verosimilitud que incluyen todas las especies descritas y varias especies no descritas. Los datos morfométricos de ocho especies reconocidas proporcionan evidencia del carácter distintivo del nuevo taxón. La descripción de esta nueva especie se suma a la ya alta diversidad de salamandras del estado de Hidalgo, que es un área importante para la diversificación del género”.