Monday, September 30, 2024

[PaleoBotany • 2023] First Recognition of the Extinct Eudicot Genus Palibinia in North America: Leaves and Fruits of Palibinia comptonifolia (R.W.Br.) comb. nov. from the Eocene of Utah and Colorado, USA

Palibinia comptonifolia (R.W.Br.) comb. nov. 

in Manchester, Judd et Kodrul, 2023. 
Newly investigated leafy twigs bearing axillary fruits from the Eocene Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation in eastern Utah, USA, have provided more information on the species previously attributed to the Proteaceae as Banksia comptonifolia R.W.Br. The leaves are simple, estipulate with short petioles, and elongate laminae with prominent angular nonglandular teeth. The laminae have a thick midvein and pinnate craspedodromous secondaries, and are distinctive in the presence of a thick, often coalified, marginal rim. Vegetative and reproductive buds occur in the axils of the leaves. These features indicate that the species belongs to Palibinia Korovin—an extinct Eudicot genus previously known only from the Paleogene of Asia and Europe. Small pedicellate ovoid fruits 1.5–2.2 mm wide are borne in fascicles of three and are seen to be capsules with four apical valves. Despite the specific epithet referring to similarity of the foliage to that of Comptonia (Myricaceae), the fasciculate inflorescence organization with axillary flowers is quite distinct from the catkins characteristic of that family. Assignment to Banksia or other Proteaceae with complex inflorescences and follicular fruits is also problematic. Additionally, MacGinitie′s transfer of the species to Vauquelinia of the Rosaceae is contradicted by the lack of stipule scars on the twig and by differences in leaf venation and floral morphology. We transfer the species to Palibinia comptonifolia (R.W.Br.) comb. nov., but its familial affinity within the Pentapetalae remains uncertain. This new occurrence augments records from the Paleogene of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, China, England, and Germany.

Palibinia comptonifolia (R.W.Br.) comb. nov. leafy twigs in a slab of shale from Bonanza, UT. DMNH EPI.43698.
A, Portions of three twigs showing alternate leaves. B, Enlargement of a twig with mature leaves giving rise to a flush of new growth. C, Another portion of a twig enlarged from (A), showing the axillary position of young fruits. D, Enlargement from (C), with pedicellate axillary globose fruits. E, Enlargement from another twig in (A), showing an axillary fruit.
F–H, Individual twigs digitally extricated from the image of (A). 
Scale bars = 2 cm in (A), (F–H), 1 cm in (B, C), 5 mm in (D, E).

Group Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd

Order indet.
Family indet.

Genus Palibinia Korovin

Palibinia comptonifolia (R.W.Br.) comb. nov.

Conceptual diagrams of Palibinia twigs.
A, B, Palibinia comptonifolia (R.W.Br.) comb. nov. twigs including axillary fruits and vegetative growth, diagram by Ashley Hamersma.
C–E, Original diagrams of Korovin (1932), slightly enhanced and reduced. C, Twig of Palibinia laxifolia Forma laxifolia showing axillary flowers or fruits. D, Forma densifolia. E, Forma lanceolata.

Steven R. Manchester, Walter S. Judd and Tatiana Kodrul. 2023. First Recognition of the Extinct Eudicot Genus Palibinia in North America: Leaves and Fruits of Palibinia comptonifolia (R.W.Br.) comb. nov. from the Eocene of Utah and Colorado, USA. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. DOI: