Friday, September 20, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Lysimachia ailaoshanensis (Primulaceae) • A New Species from Yunnan, China

Lysimachia ailaoshanensis G.Hao & Y.F.Yan,  

in Yan et Hao. 2024.

A new species, Lysimachia ailaoshanensis is described and illustrated. In gross morphology it is evidently allied to subgen. Palladia sect. Chenopodiopsis and is most similar to L. chenopodioides and L. remotiflora, but is distinguished from L. chenopodioides by narrower lanceolate leaf blade and longer pedicel, and longer stamens and styles, and from L. remotiflora by narrower leaf blade and longer stamens.

Key words: Ericales, flora, morphological features, taxonomy, Yunnan

Living plant of Lysimachia ailaoshanensis G.Hao & Y.F.Yan, sp. nov.
A habitat B habit C leaves on abaxial (right) and adaxial (left) surfaces D flower (lateral view) E corolla F pistil G abaxial (left) and adaxial (right) sides of a calyx lobe.
Photographed by Hai-Fei Yan.

Lysimachia ailaoshanensis G.Hao & Y.F.Yan, sp. nov.
 A habit B abaxial (right) and adaxial (left) surfaces of a leaf C flower D calyx lobes E dissected corolla F pistil and its stigma (enlarged) G young fruit with persistent calyx.
Drawn by Yun-Xiao Liu from the holotype.

 Lysimachia ailaoshanensis G.Hao & Y.F.Yan, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Lysimachia ailaoshanensis is most similar to L. chenopodioides Watt ex Hook. f. and L. remotiflora C.M. Hu, but differs from L. chenopodioides in narrower lanceolate leaf blade and longer pedicel, and longer stamens and styles, and from L. remotiflora in narrower leaf blade and longer stamens.

 Hai-Fei Yan and Gang Hao. 2024. Lysimachia ailaoshanensis (Primulaceae), A New Species from Yunnan, China. PhytoKeys. 246: 277-282. DOI: