Wednesday, September 18, 2024

[Botany • 2024] George Gardner’s Enigmatic Species Goyazia villosa (Gesneriaceae) finally rediscovered

Goyazia villosa (Gardner) R.A. Howard, 

in Figueira, Schindler, Onofre de Araujo, Chautems, Perret, da Silva, Alves et Simon, 2024.

Tapina villosa (Gesneriaceae) was published by George Gardner in 1842, based on material he collected in Serra de Natividade (Tocantins, Brazil) in 1840. The species is now recognized as Goyazia villosa (Gardner) R.A. Howard. Since Gardner’s travels in Central Brazil, this species had not been collected again and the taxon was considered as possibly extinct. After a long time, we report the discovery of two new populations of G. villosa in the municipality of Palmas and in the Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins, ca. 200 and 100 km north of the Serra de Natividade, respectively. The newly collected materials allow us to better characterize the morphology and infer the phylogenetic placement of this poorly-known species. Here we demonstrate that G. villosa is closely related to G. rupicola in a clade including Goyazia and Mandirola species, and provide an updated description of the species, including field images, photographic plate, information on its distribution and habitat, and a taxonomic key for the species of Goyazia.

Key words: Cerrado, Gloxiniinae, protected area, savanna

Goyazia villosa (Gardner) R.A. Howard
A habit B detail of rhizome with fleshy scales C detail of leaf trichomes on the adaxial surface D front view of corolla E lateral view of corolla F detail of sepals, ovary, and ring nectary (corolla removed) G stamen H immature fruit I open capsule.
Photographs by M. Figueira and B. Schindler from M. Figueira et al. 1808. 

Habitat and habit of Goyazia
A Cachoeira da Fumaça at the Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins B habitat of G. villosa on rocky outcrops C frontal view of G. villosa attached to sandstone rocks
D lateral view of individuals of G. petraea E, F habit of G. rupicola.
Photographs: A–C, E M. Figueira and B. Schindler D and F A.O. Araujo; photos from collections: B, C M. Figueira et al. 1808 D A.O. Araujo et al. 1065-24 E M. Figueira et al. 1897 F A.O. Araujo et al. 1082.

 Goyazia villosa (Gardner) R.A. Howard, J. Arnold Arbor. 56(3): 367. 1975.

 Maurício Figueira, Bianca Schindler, Andréa Onofre de Araujo, Alain Chautems, Mathieu Perret, Nílber Gonçalves da Silva, Ruy José Válka Alves and Marcelo Fragomeni Simon. 2024. George Gardner’s Enigmatic Species Goyazia villosa (Gesneriaceae) finally rediscovered. PhytoKeys. 246: 265-276. DOI: