Saturday, July 13, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Ixeridium nujiangense (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) • A New Species from southwest Yunnan, China


Ixeridium nujiangense  Ze H.Wang, 

in Wang, Zhong, Li, Xu et Sun, 2024. 
:怒江小苦荬  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.126940
In this paper, we describe Ixeridium nujiangense, a novel species identified in southwestern Yunnan, China. Two populations have been found along the riverbanks of the Nujiang River in Yongde and Zhenkang Counties. Morphologically, I. nujiangense is most similar to the recently described I. malingheense, but it can be readily distinguished by its mostly divided basal leaves, narrower non-clasping cauline leaves, notably shorter corolla tube, pale brown anthers, and considerably longer beak of achenes.

Key words: Ixeridium malingheense, morphology, new species, Nujiang River, taxonomy

Ixeridium nujiangense sp. nov.
A–B habitat C–D plants E fleshy root F intertwined roots and basal leaves G basal leaves H lower cauline leaf I middle cauline leaf J upper cauline leaf K lower part of middle cauline leaf L capitulum in front view M capitulum in back view N involucre O floret P achene with pappus.

 Ixeridium nujiangense Ze H.Wang, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Ixeridium nujiangense is morphologically most similar to I. malingheense but can be distinguished by the following traits: basal leaves usually pinnatisect or pinnately divided, with only a few entire leaves (vs. basal leaves all entire), cauline leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, with upper leaf base attenuated, not clasping (vs. cauline leaves oblong or narrowly elliptical, with upper leaf base auriculately clasping), corolla tube ca. 1/5 of the corolla length (vs. corolla tube ca. 1/3 of the corolla length), anthers pale brown (vs. anthers yellow), achenes 2.9–3.1 mm in length (vs. achenes 2.5–2.6 mm in length), beak ca. 1/3 of the achene length (vs. beak ca. 1/6 of the achene length).

Comparison of the morphological characteristics between Ixeridium nujiangense sp. nov. (A1–K1) and I. malingheense (A2-K2).
A plants B lower cauline leaves C middle cauline leaves D upper cauline leaves E basal leaves F base of middle cauline leaves G capitula in front view H capitula in back view J florets K achenes.

Etymology: The specific epithet ‘nujiangense’ is derived from the name of the Nujang River along whose banks the type locality is situated.

Vernacular name: Simplified Chinese:怒江小苦荬; Chinese Pinyin: Nùjiang Xiǎokǔmǎi.

Ze-Huan Wang, Qian-Qian Zhong, Yong-Liang Li, Jia-Ju Xu and Qing-Wen Sun. 2024. Ixeridium nujiangense (Crepidinae, Cichorieae, Asteraceae), A New Species from southwest Yunnan, China. PhytoKeys. 244: 163-174. DOI: