Tuesday, July 23, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Coptis austrogaoligongensis (Ranunculaceae) • A New Species from West Yunnan, China

Coptis austrogaoligongensis C. L. Long & Z. Cheng, 

in Cheng, Li, Xu, Zhang, Gong et Long, 2024. 
南高黎贡黄连  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.127978

Based on morphological and plastid data, we have described and confirmed that Coptis austrogaoligongensis distributed in Tongbiguan Provincial Nature Reserve, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, is a new species of Coptis. It is distinctly different from C. teeta subsp. teeta and C. teeta subsp. lohitensis with differences mainly reflected in the following features: former leaf segment lobes contiguous to each other, and lateral segments equal to central one; plants without developed stolons; inflorescences with only 1–3 flowers; petals have short claws. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. austrogaoligongensis is a sister to C. teeta subsp. teeta and C. teeta subsp. lohitensis.

Key words: Coptis, Coptis austrogaoligongensis, taxonomy, Yunnan Province

Coptis austrogaoligongensis C. L. Long & Z. Cheng, sp. nov. 
 A species habitat B leaf C plant in florescence stage D whole plant E petiole F margin with sparsely upturned spiny hairs G rhizome and fibrous roots H calyx I petal J, K bract L fruit.
Photos by Zhuo Cheng & Jiahua Li.

 Coptis austrogaoligongensis C. L. Long & Z. Cheng, sp. nov.
  “南高黎贡黄连”(Nan Gao Li Gong Huang Lian)

Coptis austrogaoligongensis C. L. Long & Z. Cheng, sp. nov.
A species habitat B Fruit C Flower D margin with sparsely upturned spiny hairs E calyx F petal G bract H bract.
Drawn by Xinchen Qu.

Etymology: The specific epithet is derived from the type locality, Gaoligongshan, Yunnan.

 Zhuo Cheng, Jiahua Li, Congli Xu, Lixiang Zhang, Qiangbang Gong and Chunlin Long. 2024. Coptis austrogaoligongensis (Ranunculaceae), A New Species from West Yunnan, China. PhytoKeys. 244: 225-235. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.127978