Wednesday, July 17, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Didymocarpus pingyuanensis (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species endemic to Danxia Landscape from Guangdong Province, China, and two new combinations in Didymocarpus

Didymocarpus pingyuanensis  Ling H.Yang, Q.Fan & F.Wen,

in Yang, Dai, Wen, Liu,  Lan et Fan, 2024. 
平远长蒴苣苔  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.126137

Didymocarpus pingyuanensis, endemic to the Danxia landscape in Pingyuan County, Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated here. This species can be distinguished from other members of Didymocarpus sect. Heteroboea by its calyx deeply 5-lobed to about three quarters of its length. The phylogenetic position of the new species within Didymocarpus was examined using nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Based on phylogenetics analysis and morphological evidence, we propose two new combinations, elevating the two varieties to species level, namely D. yinzhengii and D. gamosepalus.

Key words: Didymocarpus heucherifolius var. gamosepalus, Didymocarpus heucherifolius var. yinzhengii, flora of Danxia, taxonomy

Didymocarpus pingyuanensis
A habitat in flowering B adaxial surface view of leaf blade C abaxial surface view of leaf blade D capsule E front view of corolla F lateral view of corolla, showing calyx deeply 5-lobed to about a quarter of the calyx length from the base G bracts H opened corolla I staminodes J pistil K stamens
(Photographers: A–K by Qiang Fan).

Morphological differences between Didymocarpus pingyuanensis, D. heucherifolius var. heucherifolius, D. heucherifolius var. gamosepalus, and D. salviiflorus
Didymocarpus pingyuanensis B D. heucherifolius var. heucherifolius C D. heucherifolius var. gamosepalus D D. salviiflorus; 1. front view of corolla; 2. lateral view of corolla, showing calyx and bracts
 (Photographers: A–C by Qiang Fan D by Ling-Han Yang).

 Didymocarpus pingyuanensis Ling H.Yang, Q.Fan & F.Wen, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Didymocarpus pingyuanensis is similar to D. heucherifolius var. gamosepalus and D. salviiflorus in having a similar zygomorphic corolla and pink to pinkish-purple funnel-shaped to tubular corolla tube, but can be distinguished from D. heucherifolius var. gamosepalus by its corolla size 1.8–3.8 cm long (vs. 3.6–4.3 cm long), calyx deeply 5-lobed to about three quarters of the calyx length, apex rounded, rarely cuspidate, overlapping at margin (vs. 5–lobed from middle to above middle); from D. salviiflorus, it differs by having calyx 5-lobed to about three quarters of the calyx length (vs. 5-lobed to about half of the calyx length from the base), bracts free, elliptic (vs. bracts free to connate, semiorbicular), and corolla glabrous outside (vs. puberulent outside).

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Pingyuan County, Guangdong Province, China. The Chinese name of the new species is here given as 平远长蒴苣苔 (Píng Yuǎn Cháng Shuò Jù Tái).

Ling-Han Yang, Jing-Min Dai, Fang Wen, Jian-Hui Liu, Xue-Zheng Lan and Qiang Fan. 2024. Didymocarpus pingyuanensis (Gesneriaceae), A New Species endemic to Danxia Landscape from Guangdong Province, China, and two new combinations in DidymocarpusPhytoKeys. 244: 213-224. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.126137