Wednesday, July 3, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Pinguicula tlahuica (Lentibulariaceae) • A New endemic Species and Species Richness Distribution of the Genus Pinguicula in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico

Pinguicula tlahuica López-Pérez & Zamudio, 

in López-Pérez, Zamudio, Munguía-Lino et Rodríguez, 2024. 
 Artwork by Fatima Bracamontes 

Background: The genus Pinguicula harbors 110 species, of which 53 are distributed in Mexico. The formation of the Mexican mountains has favored the Pinguicula diversification. Pinguicula specimens collected in the State of México, along the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) do not correspond with any known species.

Questions: Do the collected specimens belong to a new species? What is its conservation status? How many Pinguicula species are there along the TMVB and how do they differentiate? How is the Pinguicula species richness distributed?

Studied species: Pinguicula.

Study site and dates: TMVB, 2005-2023.

Methods: Based on herbarium specimens and recently collected material, a morphological analysis and description were made. Conservation status was assessed following IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Herbarium specimens and digital records of Pinguicula from the TMVB were examined to generate a list and key. We analyzed the richness distribution of Pinguicula by states, vegetation types, elevation ranges, and grid cells.

Results: Pinguicula tlahuica is proposed as a new species. It is distinguished by the linear-spatulate summer leaves. The new species falls into the Endangered (EN) category. Along the TMVB, 16 species of Pinguicula are distributed. The State of México, Hidalgo and Michoacán, and the pine-oak forest were the richest. Pinguicula appeared between 759-3,427 m asl. The grid cell analyses revealed different areas with high richness.

Conclusions: Along the TMVB, the Pinguicula species richness centered on the Eastern and Western sectors. Pinguicula crassifolia, P. michoacana, P. tlahuica, and P. zamudioana are endemic to the TMVB.

Keywords: butterworts, carnivorous plants, diversification, Mexican Transition Zone, Pinguicula section Orcheosanthus

Pinguicula tlahuica.
A) Summer rosette. B) Flowering winter rosette. C) Summer leaves. D) Winter leaves. E) Stipitate glands on the leaf. F) Flower frontal view. G) Flower lateral view. H) Fruit.
 Illustrated by Fatima Bracamontes 
based on type material (J. López-Pérez & G. Munguía-Lino 641).

Pinguicula tlahuica.
A) Habitat. B) Flower frontal view. C-D) Winter rosette with flowers. E) Sterile winter rosette. F) Summer rosette. G) Transition among winter and summer leaves.
 A-G by Jorge López-Pérez.

Pinguicula tlahuica López-Pérez & Zamudio, sp. nov. 

Diagnosis. Pinguicula tlahuica is morphologically similar to P. moranensis Kunth in the form and size of the flow-ers, but it is distinguished from it by: the oblong to oblong-spathulate winter leaves; linear-spatulate summer leaves, 7.0-14.5 × 0.5-1.7 cm; blooming with winter rosette.

Etymology. The specific epithet honors the Tlahuica ethnical people. The tlahuicas inhabit some villages in Ocuilan de Arteaga, State of México (Álvarez Fabela 2006).

Mexico Jorge David López-Pérez, Sergio Zamudio, Guadalupe Munguía-Lino, Aarón Rodríguez. 2024. A New endemic Species and Species Richness Distribution of the Genus Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico. Botanical Sciences. 102(3), 995-1008. DOI: 10.17129/botsci.3485

[Herpetology • 2024] Thamnophis ahumadai • A New Species of Thamnophis (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Jalisco, Mexico, with A Discussion on the Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and Distribution of Snakes related to Thamnophis scalaris

Thamnophis ahumadai 
C. I. Grünwald, Mendoza-Portilla, A. J. Grünwald, Montaño-Ruvalcaba, Franz-Chávez, García-Vázquez & Reyes-Velasco, 2024
 Ahumada’s Alpine Garter Snake | Culebra Listonada de Montaña de Ahumada ||  DOI: 10.3897/herpetozoa.37.e122213

Garter snakes in the genus Thamnophis from Mexico have a long and convoluted taxonomic history. From 2015 to 2022, we conducted a comprehensive sampling of Mexican Thamnophis species, aiming to link molecular phylogenies with the recognized species related to T. scalaris in the highlands of Mexico. Here, we present an analysis of mitochondrial DNA to resolve the status of two enigmatic highland Thamnophis populations. Our research resulted in the identification and morphological characterization of a previously undescribed Thamnophis species from the state of Jalisco in western Mexico. We also clarify the identity and relationships of several previously enigmatic populations of Thamnophis. This work presents new data for Thamnophis phylogenetics from the Mexican highlands and offers a framework for future conservation efforts.

Key Words: Adelophis, conservation, errans, godmani, pine-oak woodland, Mexican Transverse Ranges, scaliger

Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. holotype (INIRENA 2933) from the vicinity of Cumbre de Guadalupe, in the Municipio de Cuautla, Jalisco, Mexico.

Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. paratypes.
 A. Male (INIRENA 2932) from same locality as holotype; B. Male (INIRENA 2936) from 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, Mexico; C. Male (MZFZ 4595) from 4.2 km airline ESE of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Tomatlán, Jalisco, Mexico; D. Male (INIRENA 2935) from 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, Mexico; E. Male (MZFZ 4593) from Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, Mexico.

 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov.
Proposed standard English name: Ahumada’s Alpine Garter Snake.
Proposed standard Spanish name: Culebra Listonada de Montaña de Ahumada.

Diagnosis: A relatively small Garter Snake, with a maximum of 565 mm SVL and 705 TotL; head narrow, scarcely wider than neck, with a short muzzle (INK + PFK = 3.0 mm); tail long in length, 31–36% of SVL and 23–27% of TotLin males, 25–26% of SVL and 20–21% of TotLin females; internasals wider than long; frontal 2–2.25 times longer than wide; loreal slightly longer than wide; one preocular; 2–4 postoculars; temporals 1 + 2; 7 supralabials, third and fourth entering orbit; 9–10 infralabials, first four in contact with anterior chinshields; anterior chinshields shorter than posterior. Dorsal scales always in 19-17-17 rows, strongly keeled except for the outermost row, which is smooth; ventral scales in males 134–142, in females 139–141; subcaudals in males 61–69, in females 54–55; anal scale undivided. Dorsal pattern consists of a pale mid-vertebral stripe restricted to the mid-dorsal row and a pale lateral stripe on second scale row. One or two rows of dark brown or black dorso-lateral spots, usually in one row on the anterior third of the dorsum, then divided into two rows along the remaining posterior two thirds. Ventral coloration dark, pale anteriorly, becoming progressively darker until dark gray or black posteriorly.

Etymology: A patronym honoring Iván Trinidad Ahumada-Carrillo (1984–), who has made many contributions to diverse areas in herpetology, including extensive studies of the herpetofauna of Jalisco and Zacatecas. Iván collected the first specimen of this new species in the Sierra Cacoma (MZFZ 4593) and pointed out its distinctiveness from typical T. scalaris and T. errans.

Christoph I. Grünwald, María del Carmen G. Mendoza-Portilla, André J. Grünwald, Carlos Montaño-Ruvalcaba, Héctor Franz-Chávez, Uri O. García-Vázquez and Jacobo Reyes-Velasco. 2024. A New Species of Thamnophis (Serpentes, Colubridae) from Jalisco, Mexico, with A Discussion on the Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and Distribution of Snakes related to Thamnophis scalarisHerpetozoa. 37: 157-179. DOI: 10.3897/herpetozoa.37.e122213

Resumen: Las culebras del género Thamnophis de México tienen una historia taxonómica larga y complicada. De 2015 a 2022, realizamos un muestreo integral de las especies de Thamnophis de México, con el objetivo de conciliar la filogenética molecular con las delimitaciones de especies establecidas en el complejo relacionado con T. scalaris en las tierras altas de México. Aquí presentamos un análisis del ADN mitocondrial para resolver las trayectorias evolutivas y el estado de dos enigmáticas poblaciones de Thamnophis de las tierras altas. Nuestra investigación resultó en la identificación y caracterización morfológica de una especie de Thamnophis no descrita previamente del estado de Jalisco en el oeste de México. También aclaramos la identidad y las relaciones de varias poblaciones de Thamnophis previamente enigmáticas. Este trabajo presenta nuevos datos para nuestra comprensión de la filogenética de Thamnophis del altiplano mexicano y ofrece un marco para futuros esfuerzos de conservación.

[Botany • 2024] Paraphlomis youyangensis (Lamiaceae) • A New Species from southeastern Chongqing, China

 Paraphlomis youyangensis H.Jiang, R.B.Zhang & Tan Deng, 

in Zhang, Deng, Jiang, Xie, Wei, Dou, Qian et He, 2024. 

The newly discovered Paraphlomis youyangensis, native to southeastern Chongqing, China, is introduced to the scientific community. This species exhibits similarities in floral structure to P. kuankuoshuiensis but is distinguishable by several discrete features, such as less pronounced rhizomes (<0.5 vs. 2–4 cm), elongated stolons (present vs. absent), smaller leaf blades (1.8‒5.5 × 1.2–3.1 vs. 10–37 × 3–8 cm), leaf margins (shallowly repand and mucronulate vs. serrulate), and shorter bracteoles (1.2–4 vs. ca. 5 mm). Phylogenetic assessments based on two nuclear genes and three chloroplast genes indicated that P. youyangensis has a closer evolutionary relationship with P. yingdeensis but is differentiated from the latter by long stolons, smaller leaf blades (vs. 6.2–16.5 × 4–11.5 cm), leaf margins (vs. crenate-serrate), and notably shorter bracteoles (vs. 7–8 mm).

Keyword: cpDNA, limestone flora, nrDNA, Paraphlomis jiangyongensis, P. kuankuoshuiensis, P. nana, P. yingdeensis

 Line drawing of  Paraphlomis youyangensis H.Jiang, R.B.Zhang & Tan Deng.
A. Plant; B. Adaxial leaf surface; C. Abaxial leaf surface; D. Opened calyx; E. Opened corolla; F. Flower; G. Stamens; H. Pistil.
Drawn by Tan Deng.

Photographs of Paraphlomis youyangensis H.Jiang, R.B.Zhang & Tan Deng.
A. Habitat; B. One clone, showing long stolons; C. Tufted plants; D. Stem indumentum; E. Adaxial leaf surface; F. Abaxial leaf surface; G. Inflorescence; H. Flower; I. Bracteoles; J. Opened calyx; K. Opened corolla; L. Corolla lips; M. Thecae; N. Ovary; O. Pistil.
Photographed by Hong Jiang & Ren-Bo Zhang, composed by Tan Deng.

Paraphlomis youyangensis H.Jiang, R.B.Zhang & Tan Deng, sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: The height and foliage dimensions of Paraphlomis youyangensis are similar to those of P. jiangyongensis and P. nana; however, its floral characteristics are more similar to those of P. kuankuoshuiensis. Despite these similarities, P. youyangensis is readily distinguishable from P. kuankuoshuiensis by several distinct traits: inconspicuous rhizomes (<0.5 vs. 2–4 cm), long stolons (vs. absent), much smaller sized lamina (1.8–5.5 × 1.2–3.1 cm vs. 10– 37 × 3‒8 cm), shallowly repand and mucronulate lamina margin (vs. serrulate), and shorter bracteoles (1.2–4 mm vs. ca. 5 mm).  

Ren-Bo Zhang, Tan Deng, Hong Jiang, Da-Jun Xie, Ruo-Xun Wei, Quan-Li Dou, Zheng-Min Qian and Lin He. 2024. Paraphlomis youyangensis (Lamiaceae), A New Species from southeastern Chongqing, China. Taiwania. 69(3); 281-287. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.281

[Botany • 2024] Kaempferia calcicola • Cytotaxonomy of Kaempferia subgenus Protanthium (Zingiberaceae) supports A New limestone Species endemic to Thailand

   Kaempferia calcicola Noppornch.

in Nopporncharoenkul, Sukseansri, Nopun, Meewasana, Jenjittikul, Chuenboonngarm, Viboonjun et Umpunjun, 2024. 
ดอกดินเขาหินปูน  ||   DOI: 10.3372/wi.54.54201

Thailand is the biodiversity hotspot of genus Kaempferia (Zingiberaceae) and harbours 14 species belonging to K. subgenus Protanthium. To better understand the taxonomic circumscription and verify the taxonomic status, the present characterization of cytogenetic characters included all recognized and one undescribed species of K. subg. Protanthium from Thailand. Overall, 88 accessions of plant materials were analysed cytogenetically: 84 and 42 accessions were subjected to flow cytometry and karyology, respectively. Based on genome size and mitotic chromosome numbers, 74 accessions from all species investigated were putative diploid, whereas the others were putative polyploid: triploid (three accessions) and tetraploid (11 accessions). The cytogenetic evidence indicates that 2n = 2x = 22 is the diploid number and x = 11 is the base chromosome number for K. subg. Protanthium. The genome sizes among the diploid accessions ranged from 3.687 to 6.412 pg while high intraspecific variation in genome size was observed with up to 19.4%. Two species included accessions with different ploidy levels: K. rotunda L. (diploid, triploid and tetraploid) and K. takensis Boonma & Seansouk (diploid and tetraploid). The increase in genome size of tetraploid K. rotunda is nearly in correlation to the increase in ploidy level, whereas the triploid plants represent genome expansion with an approximately 11% larger than expected genome. Interestingly, tetraploid K. takensis displays genome downsizing of 15.3% compared to their diploids. The cytogenetic characteristics, together with morphology, unequivocally clarify the taxonomic status of a new species, named Kaempferia calcicola Noppornch. A revised identification key to species of K. subg. Protanthium is provided.

KEYWORDS: chromosome number, cytogenetics, Cytotaxonomy, genome size, Kaempferia, Kaempferia subg. Protanthium, Khon Kaen province, new species, polyploidy, species circumscription, taxonomy, Thailand, Zingiberaceae

Kaempferia calcicola.
  A: habitat with plants in flowering period; B: plant habit in flowering period; C: inflorescences and flowers in top view; D: habitat with plants in rainy season; E. plant habit in rainy season.
– All photographs taken at type locality: Thailand, Khon Kaen Province, Phu Pha Man District, A: 27 Apr 2023; B, C: 6 Apr 2024; D, E: 29 Aug 2023, by N. Nopporncharoenkul.

Kaempferia calcicola Noppornch., sp. nov.  

Diagnosis — Kaempferia calcicola Noppornch. is similar to K. takensis Boonma & Seansouk in overall habit, inflorescence and floral plane, but differs by anther crest obreniform, broadly ovate, obovate to obdeltoid (vs anther crest oblong to ovate in K. takensis) with irregular undulate to crenate apex (vs bilobed to irregularly tridentate apex, usually with 2–3 small teeth between lobes in K. takensis) and labellum with an incision c. 3/5 of its length (vs labellum with an incision more than 2/3 of its length in K. takensis). It is also similar to K. lopburiensis Picheans. in inflorescence, floral plane and flower colour, but differs by prominent pseudostem upright above ground (vs pseudostem short and completely embedded in soil in K. lopburiensis), leaf blades elliptic, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate-oblong and longer petiole 3–18(–30) cm long (vs leaf blades suborbicular to ovate, adpressed on ground and subsessile petiole in K. lopburiensis).

Floral morphology of Kaempferia subg. Protanthium in Thailand
 A: K. albiflora (NNSB-546); B: K. aurora (NNSB-713); C: K. caespitosa (NNSB-733); D: K. calcicola (NNSB-903);
E: K. graminifolia (NNSB-686); F: K. grandifolia (NNSB-519); G: K. jenjittikuliae (NNSB-760); H: K. lopburiensis (NNSB-541);
I: K. noctiflora var. noctiflora (NNSB-554); J: K. noctiflora var. thepthepae (NNSB-928); K: K. rotunda (NNSB-534); L: K. simaoensis (NNSB-676);
M: K. sipraiana (NNSB-656); N: K. subglobosa (NNSB-749); O: K. takensis (NNSB-697); P: K. udonensis (NNSB-508).
 All photographs by N. Nopporncharoenkul.

Nattapon Nopporncharoenkul, Wiphada Sukseansri, Possathorn Nopun, Jiraporn Meewasana, Thaya Jenjittikul, Ngarmnij Chuenboonngarm, Unchera Viboonjun and Puangpaka Umpunjun. 2024. Cytotaxonomy of Kaempferia subg. Protanthium (Zingiberaceae) supports A New limestone Species endemic to Thailand. Willdenowia. 54(2); 149-121. DOI: 10.3372/wi.54.54201

[Botany • 2024] Drymonia cutervoensis (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from the Cutervo National Park in northern Peru

Drymonia cutervoensis J.L.Clark, R.Rojas & Rob.Fern., 

in Gonzáles, Fernandez-Hilario et Clark, 2024. 

A new species of Drymonia from Northern Peru was recently discovered during exploratory field work and is described here. Drymonia cutervoensis J.L.Clark, R.Rojas & Rob.Fern. is differentiated from all other congeners by its terrestrial unbranched shrub habit and laterally compressed corolla tubes. Drymonia cutervoensis is featured with field images and compared with other members of Drymonia that share laterally compressed corolla tubes. Based on IUCN guidelines, a preliminary conservation status of Endangered (EN) is assessed for Drymonia cutervoensis.

Keywords: Cajamarca, Cutervo, Drymonia, Gesneriaceae, Neotropics, taxonomy

 Drymonia cutervoensis J.L.Clark, R.Rojas & Rob.Fern.

Rocío del Pilar Rojas Gonzáles, Robin Fernandez-Hilario and John L. Clark. 2024. Drymonia cutervoensis (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from the Cutervo National Park in northern Peru. Brittonia. DOI: 10.1007/s12228-024-09793-z

[Botany • 2024] Polylepis rocio-rojasii (Rosaceae) • A New Species from the Bosque de Proteccion Pui-Pui, Peru


Polylepis rocio-rojasii
in Gamarra et Valdivia, 2024.
A new species of Polylepis (Rosaceae) from the Humid Puna of the Bosque de Proteccion Pui-Pui in Junin, Peru, is described and illustrated. The new species was found at 3800 m elevation, in small patches or forest relicts of the natural protected area, growing in open areas highly exposed to wind and abundant fog, along with other shrubby species, mainly Chusquea tessellata (Poaceae). It is very similar to Polylepis canoi but differs by trifoliolate leaves with larger leaflets, lanuginose abaxially, and rounded to ovoid achenes, smaller than those of P. canoi. We also present details on its geographic distribution, ecological notes, and an assessment of the conservation status of the new species.

Exfoliating rhytidomes, Geological formations, National Service of Protected Natural Areas, Tropical Andes, Sericeaee, Sericeus, Stipular sheath, Eudicots

Polylepis rocio-rojasii

Luis Valenzuela Gamarra and María Isabel Villalba Valdivia. 2024. A New Species of Polylepis (Rosaceae) from the Bosque de Proteccion Pui-Pui, Peru.  Phytotaxa. 655(1); 97-104. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.655.1.8

[Botany • 2024] Saurauia decolorata (Actinidiaceae) • A New Species from Mindanao, the Philippines

Saurauia decolorata  Olimpos & Penneys,

in Olimpos, Penneys, Salas, Coritico, Amoroso et Fritsch. 2024. 

Saurauia decolorata from the Mt. Pantaron Range, Bukidnon and Mt. Balatukan Natural Park, Misamis Oriental, Mindanao Island, the Philippines, is illustrated and described as a new species. It closely resembles S. avellana and S. elegans in having branchlets, petioles, and abaxial surfaces of the leaves covered with tomentum and scales, densely clustered flowers, longitudinal anther dehiscence, and 3–4 styles. However, S. decolorata is distinguished from these species by its prominent rusty-colored tomentum and scales on branchlets and abaxial leaf surfaces, cordate leaf bases, crenate margin, 16–21 pairs of lateral veins, fascicled-cymose inflorescences that are both axillary and ramiflorous, and sparsely scaly pinkish green outer sepals. This discovery further emphasizes the unique biodiversity of the forests of the Pantaron Range and Mt. Balatukan which urgently need legislative protection and enhanced protected area management plans, respectively.

Actinidiaceae, Saurauia, Mindanao, biodiversity, Eudicots 

Shiella Mae B. Olimpos, Darin S. Penneys, Daryl S. Salas, Fulgent P. Coritico, Victor B. Amoroso and Peter W. Fritsch. 2024. Saurauia decolorata (Actinidiaceae), A New Species from Mindanao, the Philippines.  Phytotaxa. 658(1); 99-108. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.658.1.4

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Eriotheca paganuccii (Malvaceae: Bombacoideae) • A New endangered Species from Montane Forests in the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, northeastern Brazil


Eriotheca paganuccii Carv.-Sobr., A.C.Mota & Dorr,

in Carvalho-Sobrinho, da Mota et Dorr, 2024. 

A new species of Eriotheca (Bombacoideae, Malvaceae) from montane wet forests in the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated. It is known from only three populations situated between 750 m and 850 m in elevation on mountain summits and categorized as Endangered (EN) based on IUCN criteria. Eriotheca paganuccii is distinct from all congeners by the combination of coriaceous to strongly coriaceous leaves and remarkable few-seeded, globose to subglobose woody capsules that contain scanty kapok and the largest seeds known in the genus to date. The affinities of E. paganuccii to morphologically similar species as well as the importance of obtaining phenologically complete collections are discussed.

Key words: Bahian southern Atlantic Forest, ‘Bombacaceae’, ‘embiruçú’, endemism, plant taxonomy

Eriotheca paganuccii
A vegetative branch from the top of the tree canopy B details of a leaflet also from the top of the tree canopy C leafless branch with umbelliform cymes D flower bud (note the glands on receptacle) E flower at anthesis (note the unilaterally apiculate petals) F staminal tube (detached from the receptacle and slightly pulled up) G gynoecium H globose woody capsules before dehiscence I capsule with one valve detached showing scanty kapok and large seeds J dehisced fruit with marcescent calyx, exposing the columella and remaining kapok after seed dispersal K seeds relative to a fruit valve L angulate, striated seeds; each seed with two plane and one concave sides.
A, B, I–L drawn from J.G. Carvalho-Sobrinho 4040, C–G drawn from J.G. Carvalho-Sobrinho & A.C. Mota 4022.

Habitat and morphological aspects ofEriotheca paganuccii 
A crown of E. paganuccii individuals in the canopy B detail of leaves at the top of the tree canopy showing smaller, more rigid leaves that are comprised of 1–2 leaflets oriented upward C bark of E. paganuccii D leaves with less exposure to the sun that have 5 leaflets, which are larger, less rigid, and patent (not oriented upward) unlike those in the canopy E flower at anthesis F seeds relative to a fruit valve and scanty kapok.

 Eriotheca paganuccii Carv.-Sobr., A.C.Mota & Dorr, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to Eriotheca obcordata A.Robyns due to its absence of buttresses, obcordate leaflets, oblong to oblanceolate flower buds, oblanceolate petals, and stamens c. 80 in number, but differing in its caducous (vs. often persistent) bracteoles, larger calyces (7 × 7–9 mm vs. 5–5 mm), globose to subglobose (vs. obovoid) capsules, scanty (vs. abundant) kapok, seed number (c. 10 vs. numerous) per fruit, seed size (10–19 mm vs. 5–7 mm) long, and marcescent, lignified calyces that often split into patent lobes (in herbarium collections, at least).

Etymology: The specific epithet honors Luciano Paganucci de Queiroz, a distinguished Brazilian taxonomist who was the first to collect this new species and one of the first to promote and undertake floristic efforts on Serra da Jiboia, Bahia, its type-locality.

Jefferson Carvalho-Sobrinho, Aline C. da Mota, Laurence J. Dorr. 2024. Eriotheca paganuccii (Bombacoideae, Malvaceae), A New endangered Species from Montane Forests in the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. PhytoKeys. 243: 215-230. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.243.125708

[Botany • 2024] Geocharis globosa • A Recircumscription of Geocharis (Zingiberaceae) as A Result of the Discovery of A New Species in Sumatra, Indonesia

Geocharis globosa Zulaspita & Nurainas, 

in Nurainas, Zulaspita, Febriamansyah, Syamsuardi et Poulsen, 2024. 

Recent fieldwork conducted in Sumatra resulted in unusual collections of the conspicuous ginger genus Geocharis, a genus that harbours a total of six species distributed in Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and the Philippines. After carefully reviewing types and protologues of existing taxa, we conclude that the recent collections represent a new species described here as Geocharis globosa, which is similar to G. aurantiaca, G. rubra and G. radicalis by the flowers spreading evenly in all directions but differs from these by the less divided labellum and by the unstructured and smooth globose fruits. We provide a detailed description and a photographic plate as well as a preliminary Red List Assessment for the new species. With the new species added to Geocharis macrostemon and G. radicalis, the number of species in Sumatra hereby increases to three. A recircumscription of the genus is provided, taking into account the unusual fruit character of the new species.

Key words: Geocharis globosa, globose fruit, Mount Marapi, taxonomy, West Sumatra, wild gingers

Geocharis globosa Zulaspita & Nurainas, sp. nov.
A habit B sheath (with tessellate pattern), ligule and base of leaf blade C inflorescence D flower dissection E infructescence F fruit G seeds with and without aril.
Photographs by T.A. Febriamansyah, edited by A.D. Poulsen.

 Geocharis globosa Zulaspita & Nurainas, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: The new species is similar to G. aurantiaca, G. rubra and G. radicalis by the flowers spreading in all directions from an erect flowering shoot but differs from all of these by the labellum being incised only halfway from apex (not deeply or completely divided), and having a smooth and glabrous surface to the ovary and globose fruits (Table 2).

Etymology: The epithet refers to the shape of the fruit.

 Nurainas Nurainas, Witri Zulaspita, Thoriq Alfath Febriamansyah, Syamsuardi Syamsuardi and Axel Dalberg Poulsen. 2024. A Recircumscription of Geocharis (Zingiberaceae) as A Result of the Discovery of A New Species in Sumatra, Indonesia. PhytoKeys 244: 15-22. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.119306

[Botany • 2024] Gentiana betongensis (Gentianaceae) • A New Species from tropical montane sphagnum bog in Peninsular Thailand


Gentiana betongensis  J.Wai,

in Sae Wai, 2024.  
ดอกหรีดเบตง  ||  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.633.1.7
Gentiana betongensis is described as a new species from Thailand. It was discovered in tropical montane sphagnum bog of the High Plateau in Betong District, Yala Province near the Thai-Malay Border. The new species is morphologically most similar to G. malayana in having erect, simple or few-branched stems, but differs markedly in having smaller flowers, triangular-ovate, acute corolla lobes, and long, recurved and coiled stigma lobes. This paper provides morphological description, illustration, photographs, distribution map, ecological data, reproductive biology, DNA barcode sequence, vernacular name, conservation status, a key to the species of Gentiana in Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo, and a special note on conservation perspectives.

Eudicots, Betong, Malesian flora, morphology, new taxon, taxonomy

Jarearnsak Sae Wai. 2024. Gentiana betongensis (Gentianaceae), A New Species from tropical montane sphagnum bog in Peninsular Thailand.  Phytotaxa. 633(1); 60-67. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.633.1.7

Monday, July 1, 2024

[Herpetology • 2024] Trimeresurus cyanolabris • A New Species of Green Pitviper of the Trimeresurus macrops complex (Serpentes: Viperidae) from South Central Coastal Region of Vietnam

 Trimeresurus cyanolabris 
 Idiiatullina, Nguyen, Bragin, Pawangkhanant, Le, Vogel, David & Poyarkov, 2024 

 ​ Rắn lục mép xanh dương  ||  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5474.4.3
We describe a new species of green pitviper from southern and central parts of coastal Vietnam based on morphological and molecular (2406 bp from cyt b, ND4, and 16S rRNA mitochondrial DNA genes) lines of evidence. Trimeresurus cyanolabris sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following morphological characters: small size, maximum known SVL of 638 mm; dorsal scales in 21 (rarely 23)–21–15 rows, moderately keeled except the outermost rows; ventral scales 166–178; subcaudal scales 52–75, all paired; hemipenis forked, calyculate, reaching the 8th subcaudal; eye bright yellow in both sexes; dorsal surface deep green lacking cross-bands; postocular white stripe missing in both sexes; ventrolateral stripe faintly present on the first few dorsal scale rows in males, absent in females; throat, chin, and lower labials in shades of blue. The new species forms a distinct clade on the phylogenetic tree of the genus Trimeresurus and differs from the morphologically similar T. rubeus by a significant divergence in cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA gene sequences (p = 6.0%). The new species is currently known from low- to mid-elevations (ca. 90–400 m a.s.l.) in tropical forests of central-southern Vietnam. This discovery further underlines the importance of this area as a local center of herpetofaunal diversity and endemism, which is under great threat of deforestation.

Reptilia, Trimeresurus cyanolabris sp. nov., Vietnam, new species, morphology, molecular phylogeny, systematics

 ​ Rắn lục mép xanh dương
Trimeresurus​ cyanolabris​

Sabira S. Idiiatullina, Tan Van Nguyen, Andrey M. Bragin, Parinya Pawangkhanant, Dac Xuan Le, Gernot Vogel, Patrick David and Nikolay A. Poyarkov. 2024. A New Species of Green Pitviper of the Trimeresurus macrops complex (Reptilia: Serpentes: Viperidae) from South Central Coastal Region of Vietnam. Zootaxa. 5474(4); 375-411. DOI:

[PaleoMammalogy • 2024] New insights on the Ecology and Behavior of Machairodus aphanistus (Carnivora: Felidae: Machairodontinae) through the Paleopathological Study of the Fossil Sample from the Late Miocene (Vallesian, MN 10) of Cerro de los Batallones (Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid, Spain)

Reconstruction of a hunting scene in the Cerro de los Batallones during the Late Miocene:
 Machairodus aphanistus killed a three-toe horse of the genus Hipparion.

in Salesa, Hernández, Marín, Siliceo, ... et García-Fernández, 2024. 
Artwork by Mauricio Antón

The Late Miocene natural traps of Cerro de los Batallones (Madrid, Spain) have yielded thousands of fossils of vertebrates, mostly carnivoran mammals such as hyaenids, amphicyonids, ailurids, mustelids, ursids, and felids, especially Batallones-1 and Batallones-3. Among these carnivorans, the tiger-sized saber-toothed felid Machairodus aphanistus was the top predator of the association, and one of the most abundant taxa, represented by thousands of fossils, including several examples of bone pathologies that have never been studied. In this work, we carry out a paleopathological analysis of some of these pathologies from the Batallones sample of this large early machairodontine, with a description of the pathological changes that occurred in the affected bones, a possible diagnosis, and the ethological and ecological consequences of the presence of these diseases in the living animal. The pathological sample of M. aphanistus studied here included a calcaneus and a Mc III from Batallones-1, and a mandible from Batallones-3. The fossils were X-rayed, and their pathologies were described and compared to non-pathological bones. The calcaneus showed a bone callus indicative of osteitis/osteomyelitis or a tumor; the mandible had evidence of the development of an abscess located in the left mandibular body; and the Mc III shows a marked osteosclerosis. These injuries affected the hunting ability of these individuals and gradually weakened them, very likely contributing to their final entrapment in the Batallones cavities, where they were attracted by the presence of previously trapped animals.

Keywords: Bone pathology, Cenozoic, Felidae, Paleontology

Reconstruction of a hunting scene in the Cerro de los Batallones during the Late Miocene: two adult males of Machairodus aphanistus have subdued and killed a three-toe horse of the genus Hipparion.
Artwork by M. Antón

Manuel J. Salesa, Bárbara Hernández, Pilar Marín, Gema Siliceo, Irene Martínez, Mauricio Antón, María Isabel García-Real, Juan Francisco Pastor and Rosa Ana García-Fernández. 2024. New insights on the Ecology and Behavior of Machairodus aphanistus (Carnivora, Felidae, Machairodontinae) through the Paleopathological Study of the Fossil Sample from the Late Miocene (Vallesian, MN 10) of Cerro de los Batallones (Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid, Spain). Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 31, 21. DOI: 10.1007/s10914-024-09721-8