Wednesday, October 23, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Petrocodon paradelphinius (Gesneriaceae) • A New dazzling Species from the Limestone Area of Guangxi, China


Petrocodon paradelphinius F.Wen & W.C.Chou, 

in Wen et Chou, 2024. 
 飛燕石山苣苔  || 

Petrocodon paradelphinius F.Wen & W.C.Chou, a new species of Gesneriaceae from the limestone area of Guangxi, Southwest China, is described and illustrated here. This new species morphologically resembles P. fangianus (Y.G.Wei) J.M.Li & Yin Z.Wang, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by having peduncles and pedicels puberulent, corolla outside sparsely puberulent, shorter tube 18–20 mm long, orifice from throat to the interior smooth, without protuberances, and lacks nectar guides. The conservation status of P. paradelphinius can be assessed provisionally as Critically Endangered [CR B2b(ii, v) + C2(a, i)].

Keyword: Flora of Guangxi, Limestone flora, Lithophilous, new taxon, Petrocodon fangianus, Taxonomy

Photographs of Petrocodon paradelphinius F.Wen & W.C.Chou sp. nov. 
 A. Habit. B. The adaxial view of leaf. C. The abaxial view of leaf. D. The top view of cyme. E. The calyx lobes. F. The cyme after removing the corolla. G. Pistil. H. Opened corolla. I. Stamens
 (Photoed by Fang Wen).

Photographs of Petrocodon paradelphinius F.Wen & W.C.Chou sp. nov.
A. Habitat at the type location. B. The flowering plant in the field. C. The cultivated plants. D. The lateral view of corolla ca. 1 day after the flower blooms. E. The lateral view of the corolla ca. 5 days after the flower blooms.
 (photo A-B by Wei-Chuen Chou; C-E by Fang Wen).

Petrocodon paradelphinius F.Wen & W.C.Chou, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Morphologically, Petrocodon paradelphinius F.Wen & W.C.Chou resembles P. fangianus (Y.G.Wei) J.M.Li & Yin Z.Wang in leaf blade coriaceous and shape elliptic to oblong, differs from the latter in peduncles and pedicels puberulent (vs. peduncles and pedicels puberulent and glandu-puberulent in P. fangianus, the order same as follows); corolla outside sparsely puberulent (vs. sparsely glandular puberulent), tube curved, 18–20 mm long (vs. straight, ca. 26 mm long), orifice from throat to the interior smooth, without protuberances, and lacks nectar guides (vs. orifice with two oblong, brown, glandular puberulous below the middle lobes of corolla); significant short style ca. 1.5 mm long (vs. ca. 26.5 mm long), and filaments adnate to corolla tube ca. 7 mm above the base (vs. adnate to corolla tube ca. 19 mm above the base).

Etymology: The specific epithet 'paradelphinius' of this new species is composed of two parts. The prefix 'para-' is derived from the Greek 'παρά' (para), meaning 'besidesimilar, or alike,' and it is often used to indicate that two plants have similar but not identical characteristics in plant nomenclature. The latter part '-delphinius' is derived from the genus, Delphinium Linn., and has been modified to a masculine form following the pattern of the genus, Petrocodon. This epithet indicates that the new species' slender corolla tube resembles the elongated spur of flowers in Delphinium. Additionally, the new species' spreading, larger corolla lobes, and bluish-purple hues make it reminiscent of flowers in Delphinium, hence the name 'paradelphinius'.

Fang Wen and Wei-Chuen Chou. 2024. A New dazzling Species of Gesneriaceae, Petrocodon paradelphinius, from the Limestone Area of Guangxi, China. Taiwania. 69(4); 491-496. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.491