Saturday, October 12, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Metagentiana jiangyouensis (Gentianaceae) • A New Species from Sichuan, China


Metagentiana jiangyouensis H.F.Cao, 

in Cao, Cai, Zou, Sun, Li, Xiong et Xu, 2024.  
江油狭蕊龙胆  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.247.129934

Metagentiana jiangyouensis, a new species of Gentianaceae from Sichuan, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to Metagentiana villifera, but differs by the fact that the plant is glabrous and has 1–4 flowering stems, well-developed basal vegetative rosettes, a pale purple corolla with dark purple spots on the tube and erose or denticulate, non-fringed plicae margins. It also somewhat resembles M. rhodantha, but can be easily distinguished by having shorter stems, entire leaf margins, smooth, shorter sepal lobes, spotted corolla tubes, non-fringed plicae and narrowly winged seeds.

Key words: Gentianaceae, Metagentiana, Morphology, taxonomy

Metagentiana jiangyouensis H.F.Cao, sp. nov.
A habit B longitudinally opened corolla C pistil D longitudinally opened calyx E middle or upper cauline leaf F seed G, H closed and open fruit.
Drawn by H.F. Cao A–E Yuan Zou QYS01 F–H Hai-Feng Cao CAOHF033.

 Metagentiana jiangyouensis H.F.Cao, sp. nov.
A, B habitat C habit D vegetative rosettes E seedling F stem G corolla, front view H calyx, side view I cauline leaves, adaxial view J fruits K opened fresh flower L seeds.
Scale bars: 2 cm (C); 1 cm (D–G, J, K); 5 mm (H, I); 1 mm (L). 
A, B photographed by Y. Zou C–L photographed by H.F. Cao 
A–I, K Yuan Zou QYS01 J, L Hai-Feng Cao CAOHF033.

 Metagentiana jiangyouensis H.F.Cao, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Metagentiana jiangyouensis is similar to M. villifera and M. rhodantha, but differs from these species by the fact that the plant is completely glabrous and has green flowering stems 8–11 cm long with 6–9 pairs of leaves per stem, well-developed basal vegetative rosettes, glabrous stem leaves with entire margin, spatulate to lanceolate, 1.3–2(–3) mm long calyx lobes with glabrous margins, a pale purple corolla with dark purple spots on the tube, and erose or denticulate, but never fringed plicae margins.

Etymology: The specific epithet “jiangyouensis” refers to Jiangyou County, Mianyang City, Sichuan, China, the type locality of Metagentiana jiangyouensis.

Vernacular name: Chinese mandarin: jiang you xia rui long dan (江油狭蕊龙胆).

 Hai-Feng Cao, Jie Cai, Yuan Zou, Hong Sun, Fang-Fang Li, An-dong Xiong and Mei-Jun Xu. 2024. Metagentiana jiangyouensis, A New Species of Metagentiana (Gentianaceae) from Sichuan, China. PhytoKeys. 247: 137-144. DOI: