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Gibellula sp. Kuephadungphan, Petcharad, Tasanathai, Thanakitpipattana, ... et Luangsa-ard, 2022. |
Over 80 species of hypocrealean fungi are reported as pathogens of spiders and harvestmen. Among these fungi, the genus Gibellula is highly regarded as a specialised spider-killer that has never been reported to infect other arthropods. While more than 20 species of Gibellula are known, few attempts to identify the infected spiders have been made despite the fact that the host specificity can help identify the fungal species. Here, we morphologically describe and illustrate eight new species of Gibellula and three new records from Thailand of known species along with the multi-gene phylogeny that clearly showed the segregation among the proposed species. Examination of the Gibellula-infected spider hosts identified Oxyopidae, Uloboridae and, for the first time, the ant-mimicking genus Myrmarachne.
Keywords: Gibellula; araneogenous fungus; new taxa; spider predator
Kuephadungphan, W.; Petcharad, B.; Tasanathai, K.; Thanakitpipattana, D.; Kobmoo, N.; Khonsanit, A.; Samson, R.A. and Luangsa-ard, J.J. 2022. Multi-locus Phylogeny unmasks Hidden Species within the Specialised Spider-parasitic Fungus, Gibellula (Hypocreales, Cordycipitaceae) in Thailand. Studies in Mycology. DOI: 10.3114/sim.2022.101.04