Monday, March 3, 2025

[Herpetology • 2025] Rhacophorus medogensis • A New Species of Rhacophorus (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Xizang, China, with A Revision of the Distribution of R. bipunctatus


Rhacophorus medogensis  
 Weng, Liu, Li, Yu & Huang, 2025 

Xizang flying frog | 墨脱树蛙  ||  DOI: 
A new species of Rhacophorus (Anura, Rhacophoridae), Rhacophorus medogensis sp. nov., is described from Medog, Xizang Tibetan Autonomous Region, China. The new taxon can be distinguished from all phylogenetically closely related taxa (R. rhodopus and R. bipunctatus complexes) by the following combination of features: 1) body size medium (adult males SVL 31.6–38.7 mm, n = 17; adult females SVL 50.1–55.7 mm, n = 2); 2) pineal ocellus obvious; 3) toe webbing formula: I1‒1II1‒1.5III1‒1IV1‒1V; 4) irregularly shaped large black spots, white pattern in black spots on flanks; 5) snout pointed with appendage on tip; 6) tongue pyriform, with a deep notch at posterior tip; 7) tibiotarsal articulation reaching eye. In addition, we also discuss the distribution of R. bipunctatus, which is limited to northern India and central-western Myanmar, rather than the traditionally presumed range across South and Southeast Asia.

Key Words: Biodiversity, cryptic species, Rhacophorus medogensis sp. nov., taxonomy

Holotype (SWU 0008699) of Rhacophorus medogensis sp. nov. in situ.

(A) Large habitat at the type locality of Rhacophorus medogensis sp. nov., Didong Village, Medog County, Xizang Tibetan Autonomous Region, China (29.__°N, 95.__°E, elevation 771 m);
(B) macrohabitat of Rhacophorus medogensis sp. nov. (SWU 0008601), Buqun (Xigong) Lake, Medog County, Xizang Tibetan Autonomous Region, China (29.__°N, 95.2__°E, elevation 1361 m).

 Rhacophorus medogensis sp. nov.

Diagnosis. The genus Rhacophorus, also known as flying frogs, is characterized by the following features: 1) body size relatively moderate or large (SVL 30–100 mm, above 40 mm in most species); 2) presence of intercalary cartilage between terminal and penultimate phalanges of digits; 3) terminal phalanges of fingers and toes Y-shaped; 4) tips of the digits expanded into large disks bearing circummarginal grooves; 5) webbed fingers; 6) skin not co-ossified to the skull; 7) upper eyelid projections absent, tarsal projections present in most species; 8) dermal folds along the forearm or tarsus present; 9) pupil horizontal; 10) iris without “X”-shaped marking; 11) white foam nests or jelly-encapsulated eggs produced by 

Etymology: The specific epithet “medogensis” is named after the type locality, Medog, Xizang, China. We suggest “Xizang flying frog” as its English common name and “Mò Tuō Shù Wā” (墨脱树蛙) as its Chinese common name.

Shiyang Weng, Xiaolong Liu, Jianchuan Li, Guohua Yu, Junkai Huang. 2025. A New Species of Rhacophorus (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Xizang, China, with A Revision of the Distribution of R. bipunctatus. Zoosystematics and Evolution. 101(2): 437-447. DOI: