Tuesday, June 4, 2024

[Ichthyology • 2024] Redigobius fotuno • A New limnetic Goby (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Muna Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Redigobius fotuno 
 Kobayashi, Sumarto, Mokodongan, Lawelle, Masengi & Yamahira, 2024

Redigobius fotuno sp. nov., described from a limestone sinkhole on Muna Island, Southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia, is most similar to Redigobius penango (Popta 1922), endemic to the Sulawesi mainland, both species having a robust body and rounded head, reticular body color pattern, and longitudinal suborbital papillae rows. However, the new species is distinguished from the latter in having greater head length (35.3–38.4% of standard length [SL]), upper jaw length (14.7–20.0% of SL) and predorsal length (43.4–46.0% of SL), and a slender pelvic disc with thin frenum (length: 21.7–26.2% of SL; base width: 4.2–6.3% of SL). These unique morphological characters of R. fotuno sp. nov. may be related to the limnetic habitat of the species.

Keywords: Redigobius penango, Taxonomy, Freshwater, Limestone sinkhole, Sulawesi

Redigobius fotuno sp. nov. immediately after fixation.
 c NSMT-P 147117 (paratype, male, 30.2 mm SL);
d NSMT-P 145324 (paratype, female, 35.3 mm SL)

Redigobius fotuno sp. nov.
Etymology. The species name refers to the type locality. The name is used as a noun in apposition.

In situ photograph of Redigobius fotuno sp. nov. at Fotuno Fountain, Muna Island.
Nuptial male fin (ca. 30 mm SL, not preserved) fin spreading close to female

Hirozumi Kobayashi, Bayu K. A. Sumarto, Daniel F. Mokodongan, Sjamsu A. Lawelle, Kawilarang W. A. Masengi and Kazunori Yamahira. 2024. Redigobius fotuno, A New limnetic Goby from Muna Island, Indonesia (Teleostei: Gobiidae).  Ichthyological Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10228-024-00958-0