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Hyptidendron pulcherrimum Antar & Harley in Antar, Harley, ... et Sano, 2021. |
Hyptidendron Harley, one of the 19 genera recognized for the subtribe Hyptidinae, has some of its species with a narrow campos rupestres (a Brazilian vegetational formation) distribution, often restricted to a single mountain range. We report a new species, Hyptidendron pulcherrimum Antar & Harley, sp. nov., endemic to a single mountain in the Serra do Padre Ângelo, a disjunct area of campos rupestres from where some new angiosperm species have been recently described. The new species is unique due to the morphological combination of flowers arranged in dichasial cymes, indumentum composed of curved, rigid, broad-based hairs, leaves petiolate, glabrescent and bullate, corolla tomentose, with the tube curved, 7.5-10 mm long and one slightly winged nutlet per fruiting calyx. The new species is compared with Hyptidendron vauthieri (Briq.) Harley the most similar species morphologically. We also provide a complete description, diagnosis, illustration, distribution map with the new species and closely related species, a photograph plate, and a preliminary conservation status assessment.
KEYWORDS: Campos rupestres, Hyptis, Ocimeae, Serra do Padre Ângelo, new species
Hyptidendron pulcherrimum Antar & Harley, sp. nov.
The new species is unique in the genus by the combination of flowers
arranged in dichasial cymes, branch indumentum pubescent composed
of rigid, broad-based and curved eglandular hairs, leaves petiolate,
glabrescent and bullate, corolla tomentose, curved, long exserted
from calyx, with the tube 7.5-10 mm long and one slightly winged
nutlet per fruiting calyx. The new species shares with Hyptidendron
vauthieri (Briq.) Harley a similar inflorescence, habitat preference
and habit, but differs as it has leaves glabrescent and deeply bullate
(vs leaves pubescent to pilose and not deeply bullate), calyx lobes
at fruit 0.9-1.4 mm long (vs calyx lobes at fruit 1.9-3.6 mm long),
corolla curved with the tube 7.5-10 mm long (vs corolla straight with
the tube 4.1-5.0 mm long), and nutlets slightly winged (vs nutlets
not winged).
Etymology. — The specific epithet refers to the beauty of the new
species, which presents remarkable conspicuous flowers and shining
leaves, making it a potential species for ornamental use.
Distribution, habitat and ecology. — Endemic to the Pico do
Padre Ângelo, in the Serra do Padre Ângelo in Conselheiro Pena
municipality, eastern Minas Gerais (Fig. 1). It grows at elevations
from 1000 to 1530 m, in campos rupestres vegetation among quartzitic
rock outcrops, in sandy soils covered by a litter layer. The species is
especially abundant in the higher areas of the Pico do Padre Ângelo,
above 1400 m, where it is usually associated with the rock outcrops.
The Serra do Padre Ângelo region is subjected to a marked seasonality, with rainy summers and dry winters, but water condensation in
the form of fog is present year-round at higher elevations.
Guilherme Medeiros Antar, Raymond Mervyn Harley, José Floriano Barêa Pastore, Paulo Minatel Gonella and Paulo Takeo Sano. 2021. Hyptidendron pulcherrimum Antar & Harley, sp. nov. (Hyptidinae, Lamiaceae), A New Narrowly Endemic Species from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Adansonia. 43(1);1-8. DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2021v43a1
instagram.com/p/CKPy2lVBwEN @PMGonella
Hyptidendron pulcherrimum Antar & Harley, sp. nov. (Hyptidinae, Lamiaceae), une espèce nouvelle microendémique du Minas Gerais, au Brésil
Hyptidendron Harley, un des 19 genres reconnus pour la sous-tribu des Hyptidinae, présente, pour certaines de ses espèces, une distribution restreinte aux campos rupestres (une formation végétale brésilienne), souvent limitée à une seule chaîne de montagnes. Nous décrivons une nouvelle espèce, Hyptidendron pulcherrimum Antar & Harley, sp. nov., endémique d’une seule montagne de la Serra do Padre Ângelo, une zone disjointe de campos rupestres, de laquelle quelques nouvelles espèces d’angiospermes ont été récemment décrites. La nouvelle espèce est unique en raison de la combinaison morphologique des fleurs disposées en cymes dichasiales, d’un indumentum composé de poils courbés, rigides et à large base, de feuilles pétiolées, glabres et bullées, d’une corolle tomenteuse, avec le tube courbé, 7,5-10 mm de long et un akène un peu ailé par le calice fructifère. La nouvelle espèce est comparée à Hyptidendron vauthieri (Briq.) Harley, l’espèce la plus similaire sur le plan morphologique. Nous fournissons également la description complète, la diagnose, l’illustration et une carte de répartition de la nouvelle espèce et des espèces étroitement apparentées. Une planche de photographies et une évaluation préliminaire de l’état de conservation sont également proposées.
MOTS-CLÉS: Campos rupestres, Hyptis, Ocimeae, Serra do Padre Ângelo, espèce nouvelle