Thursday, January 2, 2020

[Botany • 2019] Magnolia dixonii (M. subsect. Talauma, Magnoliaceae) • Rediscovered at Tesoro Escondido Reserve in the Biogeographic Chocó of Ecuador

Magnolia dixonii (Little) Govaerts

in Morelos-Juárez, Giler-Mejía, ... et Vázquez-García, 2019. 

Magnolia dixonii (Little 1969: 457) Govaerts in Frodin & Govaerts (1996: 70) has been rediscovered by botanists and conservationists in November, 2017, at the Tesoro Escondido Reserve, a private reserve conserving 2000 ha of primary rainforest in the highly threatened Ecuadorian Chocó, protecting critically endangered species such as the Ecuadorian brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps fusciceps). Magnolia dixonii had not been seen in the half a century since its discovery at Hoja Blanca-Gualpi, Esmeraldas Province, northwestern Ecuador.

FIGURE 1. Magnolia dixonii. A. Tree. B. Fruit with inconspicuous carpels. C. Flower bud. D. Fruits and fruit axis with extended dorsal walls. E. Trunk. F. Inner petal and seed. G. Dehiscing fruit with seeds. H. Fruit showing the apex of carpels on dorsal walls. I. Fruit with most seeds removed.

Citlalli Morelos-Juárez, Yasela Yadira Giler-Mejía, David A. Neill, R. Efrén Merino-Santi and J. Antonio Vázquez-García. 2019. Magnolia dixonii (M. subsect. Talauma, Magnoliaceae) Rediscovered at Tesoro Escondido Reserve in the Biogeographic Chocó of Ecuador. Phytotaxa. 427(4);291–295. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.427.4.8