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Blakea echinata Almeda & Penneys
in Almeda & Penneys, 2018.
Blakea echinata from the lowland Caribbean rainforest of Panama is described, illustrated, mapped, and compared with superficially similar species. It is readily distinguished by its elongate internodes; indumentum of spreading smooth (sometimes gland-tipped) trichomes on distal branchlets, leaves, floral bracts, and calyx lobes intermixed with laterally compressed and somewhat roughened conic to clavate or ± triangular trichomes on distal branchlets, floral peduncles, and abaxial surfaces of floral bracts; rhombic reflexed basally clawed petals; yellow-orange unappendaged anthers; and ovary apex that is elaborated into a distally glandular-laciniate collar 5–6 mm long that envelops the style base. A conservation assessment of Critically Endangered is recommended for this species based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
Keywords: Blakeeae, conservation, epiphyte, neotropics, new species, Panama, Eudicots
Blakea echinata Almeda & Penneys, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Distinguished by its epiphytic habit with elongate internodes, distal branchlets moderately to sparingly covered with a mixture of smooth (sometimes gland-tipped) spreading trichomes (1–3 mm long) that are white when fresh but dull yellow-brown when dry, and early deciduous laterally compressed and somewhat roughened conic to clavate or ± triangular trichomes up to 0.5 mm long, inner and outer floral bracts that are connate basally for 2–6 mm to form a tight collar enveloping the hypanthium, calyx tube 2–3 mm long, oblong-obovate calyx lobes, rhombic commonly reflexed petals with a basal claw, yellow-orange unappendaged anthers, and ovary apex elaborated into a distally glandular-laciniate collar 5–6 mm long that envelops the style base.
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Figure 3. Geographic distribution of Blakea echinata. |
Habitat and distribution:— This species has been collected in mature secondary rainforest in the Caribbean lowlands of Panama at 100–150 m elevation where it is known from a small area in the Donoso District of Colón province (Figure 3).
Etymology:—The epithet for this species, echinata, highlights the copious and conspicuous indumentum of stiff smooth and/or gland-tipped spreading trichomes on leaves, petioles, floral bracts, and calyx lobes.
Frank Almeda and Darin Penneys. 2018. Blakea echinata (Melastomataceae: Blakeeae): A New Species from the Caribbean Rainforest of Panama. Phytotaxa. 372(1); 104–110. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.372.1.9
Resumen: Se describe e ilustra Blakea echinata de la selva baja del Caribe de Panamá, se presenta un mapa y se la compara con especies superficialmente similares. Se distingue fácilmente por sus entrenudos alargados, indumento de tricomas suaves extendidos (a veces con punta glandular) en las ramitas distales, hojas, brácteas florales y lóbulos del cáliz entremezclados con tricomas cónicos a clavados o triangulares lateralmente comprimidos y algo rugosos en ramitas distales, pedúnculos florales y superficies abaxiales de las brácteas florales; pétalos rómbicos basalmente con una reflexa, anteras de color amarillonaranja sin apéndice y el ápice de ovario que se elabora en un collar distalmente glandular-laciniado de 5–6 mm de largo que envuelve la base de estilo. Se recomienda una categoría de conservación de En Peligro Crítico para esta especie en base a las Categorías y Criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN.