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Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi
by Trond Haugskott
Morphological, vocal and molecular data have been used to reevaluate the taxonomy of some Asian Nisaetus taxa. This name is used instead of Spizaetus because the latter genus is polyphyletic with clades in Asia, South America and Africa. The Changeable Hawk-eagle complex (N. cirrhatus cirrhatus, N. c. limnaeetus, N. c. floris, N. lanceolatus and N. philippensis) has been studied. We propose that Nisaetus floris (Flores Hawk-eagle) should be treated as a distinct species, whereas the taxonomic status of Nisaetus c. cirrhatus and N. c. limnaeetus is still uncertain. We also propose that the Philippine Hawk-eagle should be split into two species Nisaetus philippensis and N. pinskeri. In the Mountain Hawk-eagle Nisaetus nipalensis complex, we propose that Nisaetus kelaarti (Legge’s Hawk-eagle) should be treated as a distinct species. The conservation status of Nisaetus floris, Nisaetus kelaarti and Nisaetus bartelsi has been evaluated from population density estimates, which are based on territory size. N. floris and N. bartelsi qualify for the category “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List, whereas N. kelaarti qualifies as “Near Threatened”. The changes in taxonomy of Nisaetus floris and N. kelaarti meet the qualification for being included in the Red List.
Gjershaug, Jan Ove. 2006. Taxonomy and Conservation status of Hawk-eagles (genus Nisaetus) in South-East Asia. Doctoral theses at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). pp. 91.