Thursday, February 13, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Gynoxys yasgolgensis (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) • A New Species from northern Peru

Gynoxys yasgolgensis Revilla & E. Coronel-Castro, 

in RevillaCoronel-Castro, Meza-Mori et Amasifuen  Guerra, 2025.  

Gynoxys (Asteraceae) includes a great diversity of species inhabiting the South American Andes, from Venezuela to northern Argentina. This genus currently comprises 130 species, from which 65 have been recorded in Peru. In this study, we describe a new species, G. yasgolgensis from northern Peru. This species was found in the Yasgolga mountain range at 3,300–3,500 meters above sea level, in the jalcas and altimontane (Pluvial) yunga forest of the Yasgolca-Santa Lucía Private Conservation Area from the Montevideo district, at the Amazonas department. It seems to have a restricted distribution nearby this area. Gynoxys yasgolgensis is a shrub or tree, differentiated from other related species, such as G. oleifolia, G. revolutifolia and G. ferreyrae, by the presence of coriaceous leaves with revolute margins and the indumentum composed of simple trichomes. In addition, it has a densely corymbose synflorescence and capitula with 6–8 ray florets and 21 disc florets. Data concerning its distribution, ecology and conservation status are provided.

Jalca, Gynoxys, Senecioneae, Perú, Asteraceae, Department of Amazonas, Yasgolga mountain, Eudicots

Gynoxys yasgolgensis Revilla & E. Coronel-Castro.
A. Flowering branch. B. Inflorescence. C. Capitulum. D. Ray floret (ligule). E. Disc floret (with pappus). F. Detail of leaf indumentum: adaxial surface (up), abaxial surface (down).
Drawn by Maricruz Bedoya Cuno, based on E. Coronel ECC-194 (KUELAP)

Gynoxys yasgolgensis Revilla & E. Coronel-Castro.
 A. Adaxial leaf surface. B. Adaxial leaf surface. C. Inflorescence bract. D. External phyllaries, ventral shape. E. External phyllaries, dorsal shape. F. Internal phyllaries, ventral shape G. Internal phyllaries, dorsal shape. H. Synflorescence. I. Habit.
Source: E. Coronel ECC-194 (KUELAP, HSP).

Gynoxys yasgolgensis Revilla & Coronel-Castro, sp. nov.  

 Diagnosis:—The new species is characterized by a woolly simple tomentum on the leaf underside with 6–8 mm trichomes. Secondary veins are partially inconspicuous, and a reticulated tertiary venation becomes conspicuous when the leaf is dried. Synflorescences have a yellowish ferruginous pubescence, with linear bracts of the calyculus (3–5 mm) that can be half the length of the phyllaries (4.5–6 mm).

Etymology:—The epithet refers to the Cordillera Yasgolga where the type was collected. This mountain extends from the north of the Department of San Martín to the east of La Jalca Grande, located in the Amazonas department. Elevations vary between 2900 and 3300 meters above sea level. Hydrographically, this morphostructural feature constitutes the divortium acuarium of the Utcubamba River (to the west) and Shocol River (to the east) watersheds, an important source of water for the Amazonas department (Rodríguez et al. 2012).  

Italo REVILLA, Elver CORONEL-CASTRO, Gerson MEZA-MORI and Carlos A. AMASIFUEN GUERRA. 2025. Gynoxys yasgolgensis (Asteraceae, Senecioneae): A New Species from northern Peru. Phytotaxa. 684(2);139-146. DOI: