Dyckia magnifica Büneker & Mariath,
in Büneker, Pastori, Almeida et Mariath, 2023. |
We propose the re-establishment of Dyckia tomentosa, after rediscovering its populations, the synonymization of Dyckia polyclada, and Dyckia magnifica as a new species from southern Brazil that is morphologically related to D. tomentosa. Descriptions of external morphology, leaf anatomy and pollen morphology, and comments on species distributions and habitats are provided. The informal species complex in which D. magnifica and D. tomentosa are placed is morphologically re-circumscribed and proposed here as the “Dyckia selloa complex”.
bromeliads, leaf anatomy, pollen morphology, taxonomy, xerophytes, Monocots
A-L. Main diagnostic characteristics differentiating Dyckia tomentosa (A, B, E, G, I, K, M and N) and Dyckia magnifica (C, D, F, H, J, L, O and P). H.M. Büneker 607 A, B, G and I; H.M. Büneker 251 et al. E.; H.M. Büneker 721 & L. Witeck C, D, F, H, K and L. A and C. Detail of adaxial surface of a leaf spine. B and D. Detail of abaxial surface of a leaf spine. E-F. Detail of an inflorescence branch with flowers at various stages of development. G-H. Detailed lateral view of a flower at anthesis. I and J. Detail of trichomes on the surface and margins of petals. K and L. Lateral view of stigma at anthesis. M-P. Pollen under SEM. M. Detail of sulcus where the margin is observed. N. General aspect where general discontinuities in the tectum of the reticulum can be seen. O. Distal polar view where sulcus and phenomenon of harmomegathy are observed. P. Proximal polar view where the region of the tectum of the reticulum with minimal discontinuities can be seen. |
Dyckia magnifica (H.M. Büneker 616 et al.) in habitat. A. Detail of part of the population in habitat on rocky banks of the Canoas river dammed by PCH Campos Novos. B. Vegetative habit. C. Habit when fertile. D. Detail of apical portion of the inflorescence. E. Immature capsules. |
Dyckia magnifica Büneker & Mariath, sp. nov.
Etymology:—The specific epithet “magnifica”, reflects the beauty of the new species. This epithet was created and disseminated by the Dyckia cultivation enthusiast Constantino Gastaldi, who distributed specimens of it to several collectors and botanical collections under this name.
Henrique Mallmann BÜNEKER, Tamara PASTORI, Pedro Schwambach De ALMEIDA and Jorge Ernesto De Araujo MARIATH. 2023.
Dyckia magnifica, A New Species of Bromeliaceae (Pitcairnioideae) from Southern Brazil, and the Re-establishment of
D. tomentosa, of the
D. selloa complex.
Phytotaxa. 595(2); 169-185. DOI: