Sunday, October 20, 2024

[Herpetology • 2024] Boulenophrys lichun • A New Boulenophrys Species (Anura: Megophryidae) from the coastal hills of eastern Fujian Province, China

Boulenophrys lichun 
Lin, Chen, Li, Peng, Zeng & Wang, 2024 
Lichun Horned Toad | 立春角蟾  ||  DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1216.130017

A new species of the genus Boulenophrys is described from the coastal hills of eastern Fujian Province, China. The new taxon can be distinguished from all recognized congeners by a combination of discrete morphological character state differences and genetic divergences in the combined mitochondrial 16S + CO1 genes. We also provide a map showing the distribution pattern of Boulenophrys species in Fujian and a provincial-specific key, which will aid their conservation by helping the local authorities accurately identify species during field identifications and data collection efforts.

Key words: Boulenophrys lichun sp. nov., conservation actions, distribution pattern, diversity, Horned Toads, identification, new species, provincial key, taxonomy

Boulenophrys lichun sp. nov. in life
The male holotype (GEP a214, A–C) and the female paratype (GEP a215, D–F)  

 Boulenophrys lichun sp. nov.
Lichun Horned Toad (in English) 
 lì chūn jiǎo chán (立春角蟾 in Chinese)

Diagnosis: (1) small size (SVL 33.5–37.0 mm in five adult males, SVL 47.1 mm in a single adult female); (2) canthus rostralis well developed, tongue not notched posteriorly; (3) tympanum distinct; (4) vomerine ridges and vomerine teeth present; (5) dorsal skin rough and highly granular, discontinuous X-shaped ridge on center of dorsum, discontinuous dorsolateral ridges present, sparse large tubercles on flanks, dorsal limbs with discontinuous transverse ridges and tubercles, ventral skin with dense raised tubercles; (6) outer margin of upper eyelid with a small horn-like prominent tubercle, supratympanic fold distinct and narrow, curving posteroventrally to above arm; (7) two metacarpal tubercles distinct, inner one observably enlarged; relative finger lengths I < II < IV < III; distinct subarticular tubercle at base of each finger; (8) heels not meeting when hindlimbs folded; tibio-tarsal articulation reaching shoulder to posterior corner of eye; (9) toes without webbing and lateral fringes, inner metatarsal tubercle long ovoid, outer one absent, relative toe length I < II < V < III < IV; (10) dorsal surface yellowish-brown with irregular dark-brown patches, and dark-brown triangular marking between eyes, dorsal limbs and digits light brown with dark-brown transverse bands; and (11) dense nuptial spines on dorsal bases of fingers I and II in breeding adult males, subgular vocal sac present in males.

Etymology: The specific name lichun is derived from Chinese Pinyin Lì Chūn, i.e. 立春 in Chinese, which means the beginning of spring, the first of the 24 solar terms (24节气) of China. The specific name refers to the breeding season of the new species which begins around this period. The song of the new species heralds the spring of a year. The type specimens of the new species were also collected on “Lichun” of the Year 2024.

 Shi-Shi Lin, Hong-Hui Chen, Yuan-Hang Li, Zhao-Ning Peng, Zhao-Chi Zeng and Jian Wang. 2024. A New Boulenophrys Species (Anura, Megophryidae) from the coastal hills of eastern Fujian Province, China. ZooKeys. 1216: 1-15. DOI