Thursday, August 1, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Schoenorchis kembangleutik (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) • A New Species from West Java, Indonesia

  Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim, 
in Yudistira et Mustaqim, 2023.  
 Photograph by Y.R. Yudistira. 

Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim described here as new to science is an orchid species currently considered endemic to West Java. It is similar to S. pachyachris (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm. from Sumatra and Java but differs in having flowers with midlobe of labellum orbicular (vs oblong) with horizontal and rounded (vs pointing upwards and tapering to a point) apex, the labellum side lobes white, uncinate and retrorse at the apex (vs yellow, straight and erect at apex), and in having shorter spurs with straight base (2 vs 4 mm long, with geniculate base). A morphological description, notes on distribution, habitat and ecology, an illustration, photographs and a key to the five species of Schoenorchis of Java are provided.

Keywords: Aeridinae; Malesia; Schoenorchis kembangleutik; Flora of Indonesia; taxonomy

  Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim.
 a. Plant; b. leaves; c. inflorescence; d. dorsal sepals; e. petals (one petal is broken); f. lateral sepals; g. labellum and column; h. anther-cap and pollinarium.
 Photographs by Y.R. Yudistira, 2022.

  Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim in its natural habitat.
 Photograph by Y.R. Yudistira, 2022.

Yuda Rehata Yudistira and Wendy A. Mustaqim. 2023. A New Species of Schoenorchis (Orchidaceae) from West Java, Indonesia. Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of PlantsDOI: 10.3767/blumea.2023.68.01.07