Saturday, June 15, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Eugenia stenocarpa (Myrtaceae) • A New Species from the Atlantic Forest of São Paulo, Brazil, with a remarkable fruit


Eugenia stenocarpa Valdemarin & A.Maruy., 

in Valdemarin, Maruyama, de Lima, Souza et Mazine, 2024. 

The new species Eugenia stenocarpa Valdemarin & A.Maruy. is described and illustrated. It is nested within Eugenia sect. Speciosae but is distinguished from other species in the section by the combination of its sparsely puberulent and glabrescent young twigs, revolute leaf margin with a thickened yellow edge, flowers with pubescent hypanthium, and remarkable cylindrical fruits. Images of a specimen in situ and of dried material are provided, as is a provisional conservation assessment and discussion of morphological similarities between Eugenia stenocarpa and other Eugenia species.

Keywords: Eugenia sect Speciosae, Fleshy fruit, Neotropics, Taxonomy

Eugenia stenocarpa Valdemarin & A.Maruy., sp. nov.
 A, Flower bud; B, flower after anthesis; C, immature cylindrical fruit; D, bark.
All photographs of the holotype (K.S. Valdemarin et al. 1496), 
taken by K. S. Valdemarin.

Eugenia stenocarpa Valdemarin & A.Maruy., sp. nov. 
A, Twigs with flower and immature fruits; B, detail of the leaf margin, with yellow thickening; C, immature cylindrical fruit.
 Photograph of the holotype (K.S. Valdemarin et al. 1496), 
taken by K. S. Valdemarin.

Eugenia stenocarpa Valdemarin & A.Maruy., sp. nov.

Eugenia stenocarpa is morphologically distinguished from all other species of Eugenia sect. Speciosae Bünger & Mazine by its cylindrical (vs globose) fruits. Additionally, it can be distinguished from the most similar species, Eugenia speciosa Cambess., by its leaf blades with inconspicuous oil glands above and slightly raised below (vs raised on both surfaces in E. speciosa), pedicels 25–39 mm long (vs 5–24 mm long), flowers with calyx lobes 4–5 mm long (vs 5–8 mm long) and pubescent hypanthium (vs glabrous).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the species’ narrowly cylindrical fruits, an unusual characteristic in Eugenia sect. Speciosae.

K. S. Valdemarin, A. S. C. Maruyama, A. G. de Lima, V. C. Souza and F. F. Mazine. 2024. Eugenia stenocarpa (Myrtaceae), A New Species from the Atlantic Forest of São Paulo, Brazil, with a remarkable fruit. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 81; DOI: 10.24823/ejb.2024.1945