Tuesday, June 11, 2024

[Botany • 2021] Epidendrum lufinorum (Orchidaceae) • A New Species of pendulous habit from Peru

Epidendrum lufinorum  Ocupa & Hágsater, 

in Horna, Hágsater et Jiménez, 2021. 

A new species of Epidendrum L. from northern Peru is described, illustrated, and compared with related species. This new species belongs to the Laxicaule Group and shares morphological characteristics with Epidendrum laxicaule D.E. Benn & Christenson but differs in the shape and length of the dorsal sepal; the shape of the petals and the lip, ribs position of the lip, shape of the vesicle formed between the ovary and the column as well as the section of the stem.

Keywords: Cajamarca, endemic, Epidendroideae, epiphyte, neotropic, San Ignacio

Drawing of Epidendrum lufinorum sp. nov.
 A habit B flower C dissected perianth D lip extended E column, lip and ovary, lateral view F lip in natural position, abaxial view G anther and pollinarium.
 Illustration by L. Ocupa from the holotype (L. Ocupa 211, HUT).

Epidendrum lufinorum sp. nov., photographed in situ at the type locality
 A habit with stem apex including inflorescence B close-up of a stem segment with a new growth in early stage C lateral view of flower D abaxial view of flower with ovary and apical vesicle.
Photographs by L. Ocupa (based on the holotype: L. Ocupa 211).

Epidendrum lufinorum Ocupa & Hágsater, sp. nov.
Similar to Epidendrum laxicaule D.E.Benn & Christenson, but differs in having smaller dorsal sepal (i.e. 2.4 × 0.4 cm vs. 3.2 × 0.6 cm) which is oblong-oblanceolate (vs. narrowly oblanceolate), with an obtuse apex (vs. acute), the linear and obtuse petals (vs. narrowly linear-lanceolate and acuminate), lip transversely cordate (vs. transverse), disc with 5 parallel and central ribs (vs. 5 parallel ribs projecting distally), a gibbous vesicle (vs. globose) and the stem section terete (vs. elliptic).

Eponymy: The epithet is an acronym formed by the first two letters of the names Luis (1966–), Fiorella (1993–) and Noemí (1970–), parents and sister of the first author, to whom he wishes to dedicate this species.

 Luis Ocupa Horna, Eric Hágsater and Marco M. Jiménez. 2021. A New Species of Epidendrum L. (Orchidaceae) of pendulous habit from Peru. PhytoKeys. 184: 55-66.  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.184.70844

Abstract: Se describe, ilustra y compara una nueva especie de Epidendrum L. del norte de Perú con otras especies relacionadas. Esta nueva especie pertenece al Grupo Laxicaule y comparte características morfológicas con Epidendrum laxicaule D.E. Benn & Christenson pero difiere en la forma y longitud del sépalo dorsal; la forma de los pétalos y del labio, la posición de las costillas del labio, la forma de la vesícula formada entre el ovario y la columna así como la sección del tallo.