Tuesday, June 11, 2024

[Diplopoda • 2024] Bayaria gen. nov. • The Millipede Family Striariidae Bollman, 1893. IX. The Identity of Striaria californica Cook, 1899, and the New Genus Bayaria for Striaria nana Loomis, 1936, with A Key to Genera and an annotated Checklist of the Striariidae (Chordeumatida: Striarioidea)

Bayaria Shear & Marek n. gen.
Bayaria nana (Loomis, 1936) 

in Shear & Marek, 2024. 
The identity of Striaria californica Cook, described in 1899 from a single female, is established on the basis of additional specimens collected by Cook in 1929 and determined to be that species by Loomis (1936) as well as specimens from the San Francisco Bay region, likely to be from near the original collection locality. We propose Amplaria californica (Cook, 1899) new combinationA new genus, Bayaria Shear & Marek n. gen., is established for Striaria nana Loomis, 1936 Bayaria nana (Loomis, 1936) new combinationStriaria carmela Chamberlin, 1947, is a junior synonym of Bayaria nana. A key to the 16 genera of Striariidae and an annotated checklist of the 52 species are provided.

Myriapoda, new taxa, new combinations, Striariinae, Trisariinae, California, Amplaria

William A. Shear and Paul E. Marek. 2024. The Millipede Family Striariidae Bollman, 1893. IX. The Identity of Striaria californica Cook, 1899, and the New Genus Bayaria for Striaria nana Loomis, 1936, with A Key to Genera and an annotated Checklist of the Striariidae (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Striarioidea).  Zootaxa. 5463(4); 524-544. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5463.4.4