Wednesday, October 9, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Sophora phulangkaensis (Fabaceae: Sophoreae) • A New Species from Thailand based on morphological and molecular evidence


Sophora phulangkaensis Mattapha, K.Khamm. & Suddee, 

  in Mattapha, Suddee, Khammongkol et Kiewbang, 2024. 
พิษนาศน์ภูลังกา  ||  DOI: 10.3767/blumea.2024.69.02.03 

Sophora phulangkaensis is illustrated and newly described here. The species shows similarities with its congener, S. exigua, by having an obovate terminal leaflet and up to 15 leaflets but differs in the floral parts. A morphological comparison between the two species is provided along with a discussion. The phylogenetic placement of the new species is presented and discussed based on molecular evidence by nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast markers (matK). The results suggest that the new species is nested into sect. Rubriflorae, which includes S. exigua and S. huamotensis. The circumscription of sect. Rubriflorae is expanded after being redefined by our findings. In addition, the updated key to species of the genus Sophora for the Flora of Thailand is given based on recent specimen observations. Additionally, lectotypes for S. exigua, S. tonkinensis, and S. violacea var. pilosa are designated.

Keywords: Fabaceae; Leguminosae; Nakhon Phanom; Phulangka; Sophora; lectotypification; molecular phylogeny

Sophora phulangkaensis Mattapha, K.Khamm. & Suddee.
a. Leaves at the flowering stage and inflorescence; b. flower; c. opened calyx showing outer surface; d. standard (side view); e. wing petals; f. keel petals; g. stamens; h. ovary; i. fruits
 (a–h: K. Khammongkol 211, BKF; i: S. Mattapha s.n., BKF, KKU). 
 Drawing by Orathai Kerdkaew.

Sophora phulangkaensis Mattapha, K.Khamm. & Suddee.
 a. Leaves and inflorescence; b. part of inflorescence; c. opened calyx; d. standard petals; e. wing petals; f. keel petals; g. stamens; h. ovary; i. infructescence and mature leaves.
 — Photographs by a. K. Khammongkol, b–h. W. Kiewbang, i. S. Mattapha.

Sophora phulangkaensis Mattapha, K.Khamm. & Suddee, sp. nov. 

 Closely related to S. exigua Craib, from which it differs by being a small shrub 0.5–2 m tall (vs undershrub up to 0.5 m tall in S. exigua), with sparse to dense hairs on midrib and margins of leaf blade (vs densely tomentose in S. exigua, particularly when young), presence of bracteoles (absent in S. exigua), the standard 15–16 mm long (18–20 mm long in S. exigua), filaments hairy at base with hairy anthers (glabrous in S. exigua), ovary densely strigose (tomentose in S. exigua) and longer pods (7–13 cm long vs 5–7 cm long in S. exigua). 

 Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the name of Phu Langka National Park, where the species was discovered.

  Mattapha, S.; Suddee, S.; Khammongkol, K. and Kiewbang, W. 2024. Taxonomic Notes on Sophora phulangkaensis, A New Species of Sophora (Fabaceae – Sophoreae) from Thailand based on morphological and molecular evidence.  Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants. 69(2); 130–138. DOI:

พิษนาศน์ภูลังกา Sophora phulangkaensis Mattapha, K.Khamm. & Suddee 
พืชชนิดใหม่ของโลก จากภูลังกา จังหวัดนครพนม