Monday, August 14, 2023

[Entomology • 2023] Dimeragrion baniwa • A New Species of Dimeragrion Calvert, 1913 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Heteragrionidae) from Northwestern Brazil

Dimeragrion baniwa   
Mendoza-Penagos, Gonçalves & Vilela, 2023

Dimeragrion Calvert, 1913 is a genus with five species, restricted to the Pantepui region. Here, we describe Dimeragrion baniwa sp. nov. (Holotype. ♂ (LABECO, N° 12276), BRAZIL, Amazonas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, (0.017, -66.891, 81 m a.s.l.), first-order stream inside Terra Firme Forest, in lateral swamps: 29.xi.2021, C. C. Mendoza-Penagos & M. Gonçalves, leg.), the sixth species of the genus from 13 males and 3 females collected in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira in the Brazilian Amazon, located at the southern extreme of the Pantepui region. Additionally, we provide photographs of the diagnostic characters of the male and female, photographs of live specimens as well as information on their biology. Finally, identification keys are provided, as well as a distribution map of the species of the genus.

Keywords: Odonata, Amazon rainforest, Neotropical, Damselfly, streams 

 Dimeragrion baniwa. Holotype from Amazonas State, Brazil:
(a) left view of habitus; (b) detail of head frontal view; (c) detail of head dorsal view; (d) hind wing; (e) S1–2 ventral view; (f) genital ligula ectal view; (g) genital ligula lateral view.
 Abbreviations: Flg, lateral flagella; Tf, terminal fold; VTb, ventral tubercle. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Dimeragrion baniwa: (a) male in dorsal view; (b) male in lateral view; (c) habitat.
Photos: Mendoza-Penagos, C.C.

Cristian Camilo Mendoza-Penagos, Myckey Kenzy E. Silva Gonçalves and Diogo Silva Vilela. 2023. A New Species of Dimeragrion Calvert, 1913 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Heteragrionidae) from Northwestern Brazil. Zootaxa. 5318(3): 411-420. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5318.3.6