Sunday, June 30, 2024

[Ichthyology • 2024] Stiphodon chlorestes • A New Species of sicydiine Goby (Gobiiformes: Oxudercidae) from Taiwan and Luzon

Stiphodon chlorestes
 Jhuang, Dimaquibo & Liao, 2024

Green Hummingbird Goby |  青蜂枝牙鰕虎  ||  DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15852

Stiphodon chlorestes sp. nov. is described based on seven specimens collected from Taiwan and Luzon. It is a large-sized Stiphodon species sharing the second dorsal-fin rays 9–10 and pectoral-fin rays 14–16 with similar-sized congeners. However, it differs from them by the wider interorbital width and almost complete lack of scales on the occipital region in males. In addition, the new species can be further distinguished from all congeners by seven to eight oval bands or a black longitudinal band on the lower body, black and white spots on pectoral fins, and a short red or orange line on posterior upper edge of caudal fin. Molecular analysis based on the 680-bp mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) fragments also supports it as a distinct species belonging to the “Stiphodon elegans group” and a sister group of the clade consisting of Stiphodon multisquamus and Stiphodon palawanensis.

Stiphodon chlorestes sp. nov. 
Green hummingbird goby | 青蜂枝牙鰕虎

Wei-Cheng Jhuang, Al Casane Dimaquibo and Te-Yu Liao. 2024. Stiphodon chlorestes, A New Species of sicydiine Goby (Teleostei: Gobioidei) from Taiwan and Luzon.  Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15852

[Mollusca • 2024] Cyerce nicholasi, C. piercei, ... • A Cryptic Radiation of Caribbean Sea Slugs revealed by Integrative Analysis: Cyerceantillensis(Heterobranchia: Sacoglossa: Caliphyllidae) is Six Distinct Species

Cyerce piercei
Moreno, Rico, Middlebrooks, Medrano, Valdés & Krug, 2024

Integrative studies have revealed cryptic radiations in several Caribbean lineages of heterobranch sea slugs, raising questions about the evolutionary mechanisms that promote speciation within the tropical Western Atlantic. Cyerce Bergh, 1871 is a genus comprising 12 named species in the family Caliphyllidae that lack the photosynthetic ability of other sacoglossans but are noted for vibrant colours on the large cerata (dorsal leaf-like appendages) that characterize many species. Two species are widely reported from the Caribbean: Cyerce cristallina (Trinchese, 1881) and Cyerce antillensis Engel, 1927. Here, we present an integrative assessment of diversity in Caribbean Cyerce. Four methods of molecular species delimitation supported seven species in samples from the Caribbean and adjacent subtropical Western Atlantic. Six delimited species formed a monophyletic lineage in phylogenetic analyses but were > 9% divergent at the barcoding COI locus and could be differentiated using ecological, reproductive and/or morphological traits. We redescribe C. antillensis, a senior synonym for the poorly known Cyerce habanensis Ortea & Templado, 1988, and describe five new species. Evolutionary shifts in algal host use, penial armature and larval life history might have acted synergistically to promote the rapid divergence of endemic species with restricted distributions in this radiation, substantially increasing global diversity of the genus.

Caribbean phylogeography, cryptic species, gastropod, heterobranch, species delimitation

Cyerce piercei, live specimens.
 A, B, dorsal views of specimen collected on Penicillus lamourouxii in Tarpon Springs, FL, USA; actual size, 9 mm. A, photographed with lighting from above. B, photographed with oblique lighting.
C, D, dorsal view of specimen collected on Udotea looensis at 15 m depth from Mary’s Ledge reef, offshore of St. Petersburg, FL, USA; actual size, 7 mm. C, photographed with lighting from above. D, photographed with oblique lighting.

Cyerce browneveorum sp. nov.
Cyerce ellingsonorum sp. nov.
Cyerce nicholasi sp. nov.
Cyerce piercei sp. nov. 
Cyerce willetteorum sp. nov. 

Karina Moreno, Diane M Rico, Michael Middlebrooks, Sabrina Medrano, Ángel A Valdés and Patrick J Krug. 2024. A Cryptic Radiation of Caribbean Sea Slugs revealed by Integrative Analysis: Cyerce antillensis’ (Sacoglossa: Caliphyllidae) is Six Distinct Species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 200(4); 940–979, DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad111

[Entomology • 2024] Spinanycta alabamensis • A New Genus and Species of nicoletiid Silverfish (Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) from Caves of northern Alabama, USA

Spinanycta alabamensis Espinasa, Gutierrez & Niemiller, 

in Espinasa,  Gutierrez, Hinkle et Niemiller, 2024. 

A new genus and species of troglobiotic nicoletiid (Insecta, Zygentoma, Nicoletiidae) is described from northern Alabama, USA. The type species was collected from three caves in the Highland Rim section of the Interior Low Plateau physiographic province on the northern side of the Tennessee River Valley. Morphological and genetic analysis using the mitochondrial 16S rRNA locus show that Spinanycta alabamensis sp. nov. is quite distinct from related nicoletiids in North America. The species differs from members of other genera by its urosternum I, which in males is modified with a central pointy extension. The new species significantly extends the distribution of cave-dwelling members of the family into the southeastern United States and suggests that additional nicoletiid diversity remains to be discovered from karst regions of the eastern United States.

Keywords: Insect, Interior Low Plateau, subterranean, Thysanura, troglobite, troglobiont

Spinanycta alabamensis sp. nov.
A male holotype (left) and female paratype (right) B–L male holotype B, C pedicellus D head E macrochaetae by insertion of antennae F labium G last article of labial palp H sensilla of maxillary palp I maxilla J apex of lacinia K conules of galea L sensilla of maxillary palp.

Spinanycta alabamensis sp. nov. female in life, observed on 13 September 2023 at the type locality Bobcat Cave, Madison County, Alabama, USA.
Photograph by Eric C. Maxwell.

Class Insecta Linnaeus, 1758

Order Zygentoma Börner, 1904
Suborder Neozygentoma Engel, 2006
Infraorder Euzygentoma Grimaldi & Engel, 2005

Family Nicoletiidae Escherich, 1905

 Spinanycta Espinasa, Gutierrez & Niemiller, gen. nov. 

 Spinanycta alabamensis Espinasa, Gutierrez & Niemiller, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: An American nicoletiid with Urosterna II–VII subdivided into two coxites and one sternite. Urosterna I, VIII and IX of male entire. Coxites on segments II–IX with styli. Urosternum I of males modified with a central pointy extension. Urosternum VIII of male flat posteriorly, without emarginations or projections in between the styli of this segment. Paramera with a distal semi-eversible vesicle and short chaetae, their length being about 1/4 the width of the paramera. Subgenital plate of females subtriangular. Tergum X with one distinct macrochaetae on posterior angles. Cercus of male with sensory pegs (spines) and appendix dorsalis without sensory pegs.

Etymology: Spinanycta. From spina = Greek for spine. It references the diagnostic spine in urosterum I, and nycta = Greek for night. It references in Greek mythology the occupation of caves by Nyx, the primordial goddess of night.

Distribution: This genus is known from just three cave systems on the north side of the Tennessee River Valley in southern Madison and southeastern Limestone counties, Alabama, within the Highland Rim section of the Interior Low Plateau physiographic province (Fig. 1).

 Luis Espinasa, Abrianna Gutierrez, Amata Hinkle and Matthew L. Niemiller. 2024. A New Genus and Species of nicoletiid Silverfish (Insecta, Zygentoma, Nicoletiidae) from Caves of northern Alabama, USA. Subterranean Biology. 49: 1-17. DOI: 10.3897/subtbiol.49.119986

Friday, June 28, 2024

[Ornithology • 2024] Caprimulgus ritae • A New Species of Nightjar (Caprimulgiformes: Caprimulgidae) from Timor and Wetar, Lesser Sunda Islands, Wallacea

Caprimulgus ritae
King, Sangster, Trainor, Irestedt, Prawiradilaga & Ericson, 2024
Timor Nightjar  |  Cabak Timor  ||  DOI: 10.1111/ibi.13340  
photo by James Eaton

The nightjars of the Caprimulgus macrurus complex are distributed from Pakistan to Australia and comprise six morphologically similar but vocally distinct species. Fieldwork on Timor and Wetar, Lesser Sunda Islands, has resulted in the discovery of a seventh species in the complex, which we describe as a new species. This species has previously been confused with Caprimulgus macrurus, Caprimulgus celebensis and Caprimulgus manillensis but it differs from these and all other species in the complex by at least 13 vocal characters. Discriminant function analysis correctly classified all recordings in the complex to species. Caprimulgus ritae is known from five adult museum specimens, which are the smallest in the complex and which differ from other species in the complex in several morphological characters. A molecular phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. ritae is sister to C. meesi from Flores and Sumba, and that these species together are sister to C. macrurus. C. ritae is a tropical forest specialist occurring from sea level to at least 1500 m (probably mostly below 1000 m). Lowland and montane forests on Timor are threatened. Wetar is one of the least developed islands in Indonesia, and retains >95% natural vegetation, dominated by Eucalyptus woodlands, with tropical forests in river gorges and slopes in upland areas. Pressure for development is accelerating throughout the range of C. ritae, and a detailed assessment of its conservation status is urgently needed.
Male Caprimulgus ritae, Wetar, 13 October 2014 (James Eaton).
This bird was sound recorded (XC204788 and XC204789).

Caprimulgus ritae sp. nov.
Timor Nightjar | Cabak Timor

Ben F. King, George Sangster, Colin R. Trainor, Martin Irestedt, Dewi M. Prawiradilaga and Per G. P. Ericson. 2024. A New Species of Nightjar (Caprimulgus) from Timor and Wetar, Lesser Sunda Islands, Wallacea. Ibis. DOI: 10.1111/ibi.13340 

[Botany • 2024] Cyrtomium adenotrichum (Dryopteridaceae) • A New Species from Guangxi, China

Cyrtomium adenotrichum Y. Nong & R.H. Jiang, 

in Nong, Lei, Zhao, Wei, Xu, Feng, Qu et Jiang, 2024. 
腺毛贯众  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.243.127579

Cyrtomium adenotrichum Y. Nong & R.H. Jiang (Dryopteridaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to C. nephrolepioides (Christ) Copel., C. obliquum Ching & K. H. Shing ex K. H. Shing, C. sinningense Ching & K. H. Shing ex K. H. Shing and C. calcis Liang Zhang, N.T.Lu & Li Bing Zhang in having erect rhizomes, dense, leathery lamina and rounded sori, but it can be easily distinguishable by its stipe sparsely glandular, base obvious oblique, basiscopic base truncate, acroscopic base auriculate or ovate.

Key words: Gully, limestone, Nandan, new species, taxonomy

Line drawing of Cyrtomium adenotrichum Y. Nong & R.H. Jiang
 A plant B scale C indusium (Drawn by Xin–Cheng Qu).

Habitat of Cyrtomium adenotrichum Y. Nong & R.H. Jiang on cliffs at a gully
(Photographed by You Nong).

Cyrtomium adenotrichum Y. Nong & R.H. Jiang
A, B plant C, D lamina (adaxially and abaxially view) E, F sori and indusia G, H terminal pinna (adaxially and abaxially view) I lateral pinnae (abaxially view, showing: margins entire and often slightly reflexed) J stipe (sparsely glandular) K curled leaves L, M, N scales O curled leaves (sparsely glandular)
(Photographed and edited by You Nong).

 Cyrtomium adenotrichum Y.Nong & R.H.Jiang, sp. nov.
Chinese name: xiàn máo guàn zhòng (腺毛贯众)

Diagnosis: Cyrtomium adenotrichum is similar to C. nephrolepioides, C. obliquum, C. sinningense and C. calcis, but differs in its stipe sparsely glandular (vs. glabrous). In addition, it can be distinguished from C. sinningense by its scale margins fimbriate (vs. dentate), lateral pinnae 5–10 pairs (vs. 1–4 pairs), indusia margins dentate (vs. subentire); it can also be distinguished from C. nephrolepioides by its lateral pinnae 5–10 pairs (vs. 10–26 pairs), base obvious oblique (vs. cordate or sometimes obliquely cordate). It differs from C. obliquum by its scale margins fimbriate (vs. dentate), lateral pinnae 5–10 pairs (vs. 12–21 pairs), indusia margins dentate (vs. entire). It can be distinguished from C. calcis by its base obvious oblique (vs. cordate to hastate), lateral pinnae thin leathery (vs. thick leathery). Comparative morphological differences among all five species are presented in Table 1.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the stipe sparsely glandular of the new species.

 You Nong, Li-Qun Lei, Zi-Yi Zhao, Gui-Yuan Wei, Chuan-Gui Xu, Bin Feng, Xin-Cheng Qu and Ri-Hong Jiang. 2024. Cyrtomium adenotrichum (Dryopteridaceae), A New Species from Guangxi, China. PhytoKeys. 243: 199-207. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.243.127579

[Herpetology • 2024] Alytes obstetricans lusitanicus • A New Subspecies of Midwife Toad (Anura: Alytidae: Alytes Wagler, 1829) supported by Genomic Taxonomy

  Alytes obstetricans lusitanicus  
 Ambu, Martínez-Solano & Dufresnes, 2024

photo: Christophe Dufresnes

The mapping, delimiting and naming of biodiversity forge the links between academic research, conservation efforts and communication about wildlife. Midwife toads from the subgenus Alytes are a group of high conservation concern widely popular among European naturalists, but for which the taxonomy remains unsettled. Six phylogeographic lineages that diversified during the Pliocene and the Pleistocene epochs have been identified and delimited in two species (A. obstetricans and A. almogavarii), but only five subspecies are presently recognized (A. o. obstetricans, A. o. pertinax and A. o. boscai; A. a. almogavarii and A. a. inigoi). Accordingly, two distinct lineages found in northwestern and western Iberia are still regrouped under the same taxon A. o. boscai. Contrary to the discordant findings of earlier studies based on a few genes, phylogenomic analyses of thousands of nuclear markers have confirmed their independent evolution, estimated to exceed two million years. In this article, we detail molecular, morphological and behavioral variation in the subgenus Alytes to provide a taxonomic description for the previously unnamed western Iberian lineage. Like other taxa of this subgenus, the new taxon is supported by robust evidence for genetic divergence despite little external differentiation. It is designated as a subspecies of A. obstetricans, as per its phylogenetic placement and young evolutionary age, which compares to freely admixing Alytes subspecies. Combining genetic barcoding and distribution information, we provisionally define its range in central Portugal and western central Spain, and prompt to evaluate its potentially worrisome conservation status. Our study highlights how phylogeographic diversity can be acknowledged in zoological systematics, even when phenotypic differences are subtle, and illustrates the advantages of genomic approaches to overcome the limitations of single-gene analyses when implementing taxonomic revisions.

Keywords: Alytes obstetricans; Iberian Peninsula; integrative taxonomy; species delimitation

The holotype MNCN 50839 of Alytes obstetricans lusitanicus ssp. nov., depicted live
photo: Christophe Dufresnes

Alytes obstetricans lusitanicus ssp. nov.

Diagnosis: A midwife toad from the subgenus Alytes, which becomes the fourth subspecies of A.
obstetricans. According to phylogenomic analyses, A. o. lusitanicus ssp. nov. is the sister
taxon of A. o. boscai, from which it diverged around the Plio-Pleistocene transition ca. 2.5
Mya (Ambu et al. 2023). It features 0.19 % of sequence divergence at ~ 282 kb of nuclear
(RAD) loci from that subspecies. The mitochondrial diversity of A. o. lusitanicus ssp. nov. is
counter-intuitive. The Spanish populations feature a “ghost” lineage different from the regular
A. o. lusitanicus ssp. nov. mtDNA predominantly found in Portugal (Ambu 2024b).
Accordingly, the mtDNA of A. o. lusitanicus ssp. nov. differs from the mtDNA of A. o.
boscai by 0.93 % (Portuguese lineage) or 0.99 % (Spanish ghost lineage) at 16S, and by 5.2
% (Portuguese lineage) or 3.3 % (Spanish ghost lineage) at ND4 (Table 1) – again noting that
these mtDNA distances do not reflect the true divergence between taxa due to a past
mitochondrial capture in A. o. boscai (Ambu et al. 2023). According to MOLD, the new
subspecies can be distinguished from all other taxa from subgenus Alytes by the following
diagnostic nucleotides in the ND4 gene ...

Etymology: The nomen lusitanicus refers to the ancient Roman Province of Lusitania, which encompassed central and southern Portugal (south of the Douro River) and western central Spain (Extremadura, Castilla la Mancha and Castilla y León), thus broadly matching the distribution of the new taxon.  

Johanna Ambu, ĺñigo Martínez-Solano, Christophe Dufresnes. 2024. A New Subspecies of Midwife Toad (Anura, Alytidae, Alytes Wagler, 1829) supported by Genomic Taxonomy. Alytes. 2024, 41 (1–4): 18–39.

[Entomology • 2019] Laevifacies quadrialata • A New Genus and A New Species in the Subfamily Polyzosteriinae (Blattodea: Blattidae) from China

Laevifacies quadrialata 
 Liao, Wang & Che, 2019

Laevifacies quadrialata gen. et sp. nov. is described from Hainan Province, China based on morphological data. COI data (DNA barcodes) is utilized to confirm the sexual dimorphism occurring in Laevifacies quadrialata gen. et sp. nov. Melanozosteria nitida Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865, is reported from Guangxi Province, China. A key to the Chinese Polyzosteriinae is provided.

Keywords: Blattaria, cockroaches, Laevifacies, Melanozosteria, molecular identification, morphology

Laevifacies quadrialata sp. nov.
A–F, I–K male holotype A in dorsal view B in ventral view C pronotum, in dorsal view D head, in ventral view E femur, in ventral view F tibia, in ventral view I fore tarsus, in ventral view J mid tarsus, in ventral view K hind tarsus, in ventral view.
G–H female paratype G in dorsal view H in ventral view.
Scale bars: 5 mm (A–B, G–H); 1 mm (C–F, I–K).

Laevifacies gen. nov.
Laevifacies quadrialata sp. nov.  

Generic diagnosis: Body small to medium, thinner in male, thorax slightly broader than abdomen. Surface smooth and shining. Pronotum slightly semicircular, vertex barely exposed. Male with vestigial tegmina and hind wings on mesonotum and metanotum respectively, both nearly triangular; female only with vestigial tegmina, its shape similar to that of male, without hind wings. Legs strong but short, coxae with punctation, front femora Type A2. Mid and hind metatarsus with strong spines, claws symmetrical. Cerci strong, short and symmetrical. Styli long and symmetrical. Supra-anal plate in male short, triangular; subgenital plate broad and short, slightly quadrilateral and symmetrical. L1 divided into two parts, L3 bifurcated, one branch short, the other one long, R1 nearly claw-like and R2 large, hooked.

Etymology: The name Laevifacies is derived from two Latin words laevis and facies, referring to the smooth and shining surface of terga. The gender of Laevifacies is feminine.

 Shuran Liao, Zongqing Wang and Yanli Che. 2019. A New Genus and A New Species in the Subfamily Polyzosteriinae (Blattodea, Blattidae) from China. ZooKeys. 852: 85-100. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.852.33325

[Botany • 2020] Gentiana ciliolata (Gentianaceae) • A New Species from Yunnan and Sichuan, China

 Gentiana ciliolata S. Yang, H. C & F. Du 

in Yang, Cao, Du, J. Wang, Zhang et W.-T. Wang, 2020.

Drawn by L.Wang. 

A new species of Gentiana (Gentianaceae), Gentiana ciliolata is described and illustrated; it has a spectacular characteristics of calyx lobe ciliolate, distributed in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces on the two sides of Jinsha River, and then two subspecies have been further re-classified as Gentiana ciliolata subsp. ciliolata and Gentiana ciliolata subsp. longiloba respectively. The subsp. ciliolata idistributes on the right side of Jinsha River in Yiliang County, Yunnan Province and the subsp. longiloba distributes itself on the southwest and west part of Sichuan Province, such as Leibo County, Wenchuan County and Mabian Yi Autonomous Prefacture, in the grassland under forests and moist rock slopes at an altitude of 1300 - 3200 m.

Keywords: Gentiana ciliolate, subsp. ciliolate, subsp. longiloba, Yiliang County, Leibo County, Jinsha River, Yunnan, Sichuan

 Gentiana ciliolata S. Yang, H. C & F. Du sp. nov. Drawn by L.Wang.
(a) Plant of Gentiana ciliolata subsp. ciliolata; (b) Corrola and stamen; (c) Calxy; (d) flower before anthesis, (e) Ovary & Pistil;
(f) Plant of Gentiana ciliolata subsp. ciliolata; (g) Inflorescence; (h) Top Stem leaves; (i) Calxy; (j) Corrola and stamen; (k) Ovary & Pistil.

 Gentiana ciliolata S. Yang, H. C & F. Du sp. nov.

Shaoyong Yang, Haifeng Cao, Fan Du, Juan Wang, Qiaorong Zhang and Wen-Tsai Wang. 2020. A New Species of GentianaGentiana ciliolata and It’s Two Subspecies of subsp. ciliolata and subsp. longiloba of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 11; 1137-1143. DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2020.117080

[Entomology • 2021] Pupulanella gemma • A New Genus and New Species (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Depressariidae) from Costa Rica


Pupulanella gemma Adamski & Nishida, 2021

The genus, Pupulanella, Adamski and Nishida, n. gen. is proposed, and synapomorphies are given as supportive evidence. All life stages of P. gemma Adamski and Nishida, n. sp. (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Depressariidae) are described, and observations of its natural history are provided. The eggs are saddle-shaped, with several rows of shallow, parallel, and alternating longitudinal ridges and furrows, each contiguous with a transverse crest on opposing polar ends that are steeply sloped. Each egg is laid singly on the underside of leaves along the veins, and occasionally on stems or leaf petioles of the host plant, Rivina humilis L. (Petiveriaceae). The first instar and early second instar live within a weblike silken tunnel on the undersurface of leaves along the leaf veins while later instars construct and live within a partially-rolled shelter along the outer margin the leaf. Pupation occurs within a dried leaf fold in litter on the ground. The pupa is covered with short hairs, is deeply excavated between the labrum and the proximal margins of the maxillae, and possesses a ridgelike structure (= cocoon cutter) on the dorsolateral area of the prothorax. Adult moths exhibit an unusual survival behavior in microlepidoptera, by resting conspicuously on the upper surfaces of leaves exposing a “false head” and eye-spot patterned on the apical part of the forewings, on each side of the posterior end of the insect. Additionally, the terminal portions of the antennae and hindlegs extend well beyond the posterior wing margins contributing to a more realistic headlike mimic. Males and females are crepuscular, exhibiting short distance flights among host plants. Pupulanella brunniceps (Felder and Rogenhofer, 1875), n. comb. is transferred from Filinota.

Pupulanella gemma Adamski & Nishida, n. sp.

Etymology: The generic name, “Pupulanella” is a Latinized compound word derived from two separate words, “Pupula”, meaning “eye-ball”, and its suffix “ella”, meaning “small”. The entire word refers to the “false eye” patterned on the apical part of the forewing. The species epithet, “gemma” is a feminine noun derived from the Latin, meaning “jewel”, and refers to the “highlight” patterned within the “false eye’ on the apical part of the forewing
David Adamski and Kenji Nishida. 2021. A New Genus Pupulanella and A New Species, Adamski and Nishida (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Depressariidae) from Costa Rica. The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 75(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.18473/lepi.75i1.a1 

[Cnidaria • 2024] Zancleopsis grandis & Melicertum tropicalis • Additional Observations on Hydromedusae during Night Dives in the Gulf Stream

Zancleopsis grandis 
Schuchert & Collins, 2024

This work is a supplement of our previous study (Schuchert & Collins, 2021) on hydromedusae observed and collected during night-time dives in the Gulf Stream off Florida. Close-up photos and collection of selected specimens for DNA extraction and 16S barcode sequencing permitted us to distinguish 49 distinct morphotypes or species of hydromedusae. Eighteen of them are new additions to the ones reported in our 2021 paper. Seven potential species of the 49 were only identified to the genus level, one to the family level. Two new species are described: Zancleopsis grandis sp. nov. and Melicertum tropicalis sp. nov. 16S sequences permitted us to identify the previously unknown subadult medusa of Podocoryna martinicana Galea & Ferry, 2013. Three species are new records for the Northwest Atlantic: Leuckartiara adnata Pagès, Gili & Bouillon, 1992, Corymorpha valdiviae (Vanhöffen, 1911), and Cnidocodon leopoldi Bouillon, 1978. The 16S data indicated the potential presence of cryptic species in Thecocodium quadratum (Werner, 1965), Laodicea undulata (Forbes & Goodsir, 1853), Orchistoma pileus (Lesson, 1843), and Pseudaegina rhodina (Haeckel, 1879).

KEYWORDS: 16S DNA barcodes, blackwater diving, Cnidaria, Florida, Hydrozoa, taxonomy

Zancleopsis grandis sp. nov. Holotype, BFLA4559, total height size 29 mm. The brownish objects are crustaceans.
 Structural details: green arrows – the same individual capitulum; red arrows – filiform tentacles, blue arrows – broken ends of the long tentacles, yellow arrows – developmental zone of the side-branches, purple arrow – gonad folds.
(A) Lateral view. (B) Manubrium in lateral view. (C-D) Tentacle details. (E-F) Partially relaxed filiform and branched tentacles, the axis of the medusa is horizontal. 

Zancleopsis grandis sp. nov. Paratype, BFLA4561, size 25 mm, tentacles and capitula relaxed; green arrows indicate branched tentacles, blue arrows the shorter, filiform tentacles.
(A) Lateral view. (B) View on velar opening, the green arrow points to incipient side-branches of a long tentacle. (C) Long tentacle region with large capitula. (D) Higher magnification of capitula. Photos by Linda Ianniello.

Zancleopsis grandis sp. nov.
Zancleopsis dichotoma. – Bigelow, 1938: 102, figs 1-2. [not Zancleopsis dichotoma (Mayer, 1900)].
Type locality: USA, Florida, about 10 km east of Palm Beach; ...; depth 10 m.

Etymology: The specific epithet “grandis” refers to the relatively large size of this medusa and to the very large capitula of the tentacular side branches.

Diagnosis: Zancleopsis medusa with total bell height up to 29 mm, with large apical process, with two long tentacles with abaxial side branches, the latter ending in very large capitula, much larger than marginal bulbs, spherical or ovoid depending on state of contraction, other two tentacles relatively long, tapering, without swollen end or capitulum; gonads in vertical folds.

Peter Schuchert and Richard Collins. 2024. Additional Observations on Hydromedusae during Night Dives in the Gulf Stream. Revue suisse de Zoologie. 131(1):43-120. DOI: 10.35929/RSZ.0113

[Entomology • 2024] Aspila pibooni • A peculiar New Species of Aspila (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Grapholitini) from Thailand

Aspila pibooni
Pinkaew, 2024

Aspila pibooni sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Thailand. The species is provisionally assigned to Aspila on the basis of morphological features of the male and female genitalia. Superficially, the new species resembles three Afrotropical species of Cydia (Grapholitini), all of which lack the distinctive coremata and a pair of short projections from the eight sternite that characterize the Grapholita group of genera to which Aspila belongs.

Lepidoptera, Cydia, Grapholita coremata, new species, Thailand.

 Nantasak Pinkaew. 2024. Aspila pibooni (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Grapholitini), A peculiar New Species from Thailand.  Zootaxa. 5397(3); 427-434. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5397.3.7

[Mollusca • 2024] Durgella pentata & D. nulla • Unveiling the Diversity of the Semislug Gnus Durgella Blanford, 1863 (Eupulmonata: Helicarionidae) from Thailand and Myanmar, with Description of Two New Species

Durgella pentata Pholyotha & Panha, sp. nov.
Durgella nulla Pholyotha & Panha, sp. nov.

in Pholyotha, Sutcharit, Lwin et Somsak, 2024.
Durgella is a terrestrial semislug genus in the family Helicarionidae and currently comprises nine species recorded from Thailand and Myanmar. Two species, D. concinna and D. rhaphiellus, have been described based only on shell information, while the taxonomy of the remaining seven species is comprehensively treated herein using comparative morphology. Revised species descriptions are given for D. levicula, D. erratica, D. siamensis, and D. libas; D. birmanica (previously placed in the Megaustenia) is moved to this genus; and two speciesD. pentata Pholyotha & Panha, sp. nov. and D. nulla Pholyotha & Panha, sp. nov., are described as new to science. Based on our findings, the combination of shell characters including shape, size, aperture, and umbilicus; the number of mantle extensions; and the genitalia, especially the penis, epiphallus, and dart apparatus, can be used to distinguish these nine species. Among these ninerecognised species, only D. nulla Pholyotha & Panha, sp. nov. has no dart apparatus.

Key words: Comparative morphology, Durgellinae, Indochina, Land snail, Systematics, Taxonomic revision

Superfamily Helicarionoidea Bourguignat, 1877
Family Helicarionidae Bourguignat, 1877
Subfamily Durgellinae Godwin-Austen, 1888

Genus Durgella Blanford, 1863

Durgella birmanica (Pfeiffer, 1847)
Durgella levicula (Benson, 1859) 
Durgella erratica (Godwin-Austen, 1888) 
Durgella concinna Blanford & Godwin-Austen, 1908

Durgella rhaphiellus (Martens, 1867)
Durgella siamensis Möllendorff, 1902 
Durgella libas Solem, 1966 

Durgella pentata Pholyotha & Panha, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Shell depressedly subglobose, thin, polished, dark yellow with a creamy tinge, and aperture roundly lunate, broader than high; animal with five mantle extensions; genitalia with very short vagina, small epiphallic caecum, short gametolytic duct, and very large dart apparatus.

Etymology: The specific name “pentata” is from the Greek word meaning five, referring to the presence of five mantle extensions

Durgella nulla Pholyotha & Panha, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Shell depressedly subglobose, membranous, polished, dark yellowish with olive tinge; animal with two different colours: upper body dark brown or blackish and from lower body to foot margin creamy; four mantle extensions; genitalia with very large penis, short gametolytic duct, and without dart apparatus.

Etymology: The specific name “nulla” is from the Latin adjective meaning not any, none, nobody, or no, and refers to the absence of dart apparatus

Arthit Pholyotha, Chirasak Sutcharit, Ngwe Lwin and Panha Somsak. 2024. Unveiling the Diversity of the Semislug Gnus Durgella Blanford, 1863 (Eupulmonata: Helicarionidae) from Thailand and Myanmar, with Description of Two New Species. Zool Stud. 63:14. DOI: 10.6620/ZS.2024.63-14.

หอยหางดิ้น สกุล 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 ชนิดใหม่ของโลก 2 ชนิดจากประเทศไทยและเมียนมาร์ คือ
1. 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑎 Pholyotha & Panha, 2024 
หอยหางดิ้นเชียงดาว ค้นพบที่ อ.เชียงดาว จ.เชียงใหม่
2. 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑛𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑎 Pholyotha & Panha, 2024 
หอยหางดิ้นอีสาน ค้นพบที่ จ.เลยและหนองบังลำภู


[Crustacea • 2024] New Species and Records of the symbiotic Shrimp Genus Leptalpheus Williams, 1965, with Notes on Fenneralpheus Felder & Manning, 1986 (Decapoda: Alpheidae), and preliminary Molecular Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships

in Scioli, Robles & Felder, 2024  
The shrimp genera Leptalpheus Williams, 1965 and Fenneralpheus Felder & Manning, 1986 are composed entirely of symbiotic species that co-inhabit burrows of infaunal macrocrustaceans. We report extensive collections of these genera from western Atlantic, eastern Pacific and Indo-West Pacific regions. Integrative taxonomy methods, including morphological comparisons and analysis of three mitochondrial genetic markers, are used to test species hypotheses and evolutionary relationships among members of these genera. Our molecular analysis failed to recover Leptalpheus or Fenneralpheus as monophyletic groups. Our results strongly supported the monophyly of three clades composed of species of Leptalpheus, loosely corresponding to previously proposed species groups. Three new species closely related to Leptalpheus forceps Williams, 1965, L. marginalis Anker, 2011, and L. mexicanus Ríos & Carvacho, 1983 are described. Leptalpheus ankeri n. sp., from the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic coast of Florida, and Gulf of Mexico, is a polymorphic species that exhibits two major cheliped morphotypes. Leptalpheus sibo n. sp., from the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, is morphologically very similar to L. ankeri n. sp., likely its transisthmian sister species, and shares its cheliped polymorphism. A reassessment of L. forceps concluded that records of this species from the Caribbean Sea and Brazil are not conspecific with L. forceps sensu stricto from the Atlantic coast of the USA and the Gulf of Mexico, and they are herein described as Leptalpheus degravei n. sp. Based on both molecular and morphological evidence, we found Leptalpheus bicristatus Anker, 2011 to be a junior synonym of L. mexicanus and Leptalpheus canterakintzi Anker & Lazarus, 2015 to be a junior synonym of Leptalpheus azuero Anker, 2011. First reports of Leptalpheus axianassae Dworschak & Coelho, 1999 in Texas and Mexico, Leptalpheus denticulatus Anker & Marin, 2009 in the Mariana Islands, Leptalpheus felderi Anker, Vera Caripe & Lira, 2006 and Leptalpheus lirai Vera Caripe, Pereda & Anker, 2021 in the USA, and Leptalpheus pereirai Anker & Vera Caripe, 2016 in Cuba are included.

Crustacea, Alpheidae, LeptalpheusFenneralpheus, Symbiosis, infauna 

Justin A. Scioli, Rafael Robles and Darryl L. Felder. 2024. New Species and Records of the symbiotic Shrimp Genus Leptalpheus Williams, 1965, with Notes on Fenneralpheus Felder & Manning, 1986, and preliminary Molecular Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae).  Zootaxa. 5466(1); 1-72. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5466.1.1